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Posts posted by dancingcolors

  1. I don't really care about telling my ex anything right now. I sent him a long letter last month that told him exactly how I feel. Of course he never responded as he never has. But this is how I feel right now.


    I feel lonely for a husband, partner, lover, best friend. I miss having sex really bad. I feel doomed that I will be alone for the rest of my life. I have basically been alone for 19 years, so I don't think that I am overly parinoid. The town I am living in people are cold and unfriendly. The possibility of even getting a date seems nill. The state I live in is very uptight. I feel like I have to move again..... I feel like a misfit and invisible. I am as cute and nice as all the rest of the people that have a guy. I feel like I have bad karma or something. I must have been a mass murderer in a past life, to live such a loveless existence. I am not over my ex. Last Sat. night I had a massive breakdown and was crying for 2 hours missing him so bad. But no, I don't want to contact him. He is still with the woman he dumped me for 1 1/2 years ago, and he says he loves her and never loved me. I don't want to contact him.

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