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Crystal Clear2

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Posts posted by Crystal Clear2

  1. Day 16 NC. You must be doing so well. Im imagining you very happy. It still bothers me I wasn't worth one damn text. You're so strong but then again you don't care, that's why you're doing so well. I think I'm beginning to feel less pain. I'd rather post here than lower myself to ever reach out to you again. It really is over. No going back. You used me and spat me out when you were done. I dont hate you, i feel sorry for you. You're more lost than you know. You're kids don't even speak to you. I wonder what the real story is. You blame your ex. You even said i was like her, that really insulted me. How dare you. I am me, and you don't deserve such a good woman like me. You said i was fragile. So i had some small issues. Who is perfect? You're not. I am working on loving myself.Doing things. I'm learning to love me all over again. What are you doing? Escaping again. You big man. Thanks for showing me your true colours. ThYou blew it, not me. Don't ever say that to anyone again. Nasty! Goodbye.

  2. I still think about you all the time. Day 12 no contact. I count everyday, i doubt you do. It was so easy for you to predict what I'd be like when I'm the complete opposite to your ex. As much as it hurts, i have to accept this is your choice. Ive got to respect your wishes and the fact you don't want me. It's so not easy. Hope you never have your soul crushed. You never even gave me a chance. Are you psychic to predict my actions in a relationship. You came on strong and left just as easily. Hope you're happy now. I was a gift. I know how to love. I'm not scared. I didn't mess things up, you did. You shut down and got rid of me. Well done you. You're a true man.

    When i finally get over you, you will be a lesson I'll never think about again. It will take a while. I don't fall easily.

    Just maybe I'm too good for you! Maybe you're not worthy of me! Coward. Go for some coniving woman then, you must like being treated like crap. I'm not afraid of love, you are!!!

  3. Day 12.

    Well im still struggling of course. Think about him every single day but what i realise is that i put far more value on us than he did. It's unlikely i will ever hear from him again. He's on a dating website anyway.

    I'm now doing more things, going to groups and learning aabout myself.

    This hurts like crazy. Ive been months crying but not anymore. Its about me now. He simply didn't love me. Funny thing is, I'm counting the nc days and he's out there like i never existed. Have a nice life. I sure deserve one. My feelings are shredded.

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