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Posts posted by sighh

  1. Day ??


    Today i checked the ex's facebook. She changed her status into in a relationship. I tought it would make me sad. But it really didn't hurt that much at all. I guess i'm over her. Feeling great about it. I said i was going to avoid ENA for a while. I still am. But i just felt like sharing this update.


    Peace out.

  2. Day: 40+


    It's been a long journey. And i've decided to leave ENA for a little while; especially the getting back together forum. It's a drawback for my healing process right now.


    I've been feeling really good lately. I doubt we'll ever get back together.

    But I feel like I couldn't care less at the moment.


    She dumped me. And if she would come back, I doubt i'd be able to take her back... My feelings for her are shattered. And there's no possibility to glue those pieces back together to form the love I once caressed for her.


    For all those people still hoping for their exes to come back. If i can be honest to you guys; stop wasting your time waiting for someone who has ripped out your heart, because they should've realised what they had, when they had it. Not when they left it.


    Kudos my friends. Have a great journey, and remember to stay strong!

  3. I want to tell you that you're an amazing person, really. But the things you've done lately prove otherwise. I'm sorry i don't want to talk to you or don't want any type of connection with you. You're considered dead to me. But thats for me. Yes it's selfish, but i don't care.


    You've proven that you're more selfish by dumping me and replacing me within a week. Well guess what, you'll learn it the hard way that the grass is not greener. Just wait. Everything looks fun and exciting now. But once the problems start too emerge. You'll be crying on my shoulder. And I'm not going to be the man who offers his shoulder. I refuse to do so.

    And when the break happens between you two. I'll be there for you, hysterically laughing at the mistake you made.


    In the 3 months that you've dumped me, I've changed alot. You see, remember when you always we're telling me how smoking weed was bad for our relationship and yourself? You're dating a new pothead, who uses hard-drugs regularly? Good job on that one. Guess what; I've been sober for 3 months. And you? You're still blazing your problems away. I've became stronger, I face my problems and work on them everyday. But you? You'll never get better, its funny how you told me few weeks ago that you weren't over me. But yet you've been dating this guy for 2 months now. I can tell you that you'll be missing me for who i was, and what i did for you. But those things don't mean a thing too me now.


    Last but not least; I wish you the best. But you've lost the best thing in the world, and you will regret it sooner or later. Mark my words.

  4. Day ??


    Feeling ok, not super, but i'm fine.


    Yesterday i went to hang out at the local youth house where all my friends gather. She's a bartender there. I haven't really talked to her, except to order drinks, nothing more, nothing less.


    Like monday she was trying to make eye-contact with me. I'm not giving myself false hope. But whenever i looked at her, she was looking at me. I just smiled and looked away if that happened.


    Some people say that she still loves me and blabla... But really i couldn't care less because her actions speak otherwise. She's got a new guy now. And she'll find out sooner or later, that he's nothing like me.


    Remember people; its their loss, not yours.



  5. Day 5: 11:23pm


    Today was Bar Crawl (an event for graduating seniors to get ridiculously drunk down town where my college is located). I was so certain that I would be so depressed and upset today without him, but I wasn't. I had fun and actually forgot sometimes that we aren't together anymore. This makes me actually believe that I will get over him, our relationship will just be something that happened to us while in college.


    This also makes me realize that I have choices when it comes to this situation. I can choose to be happy or choose to be upset, I wanna choose happy and being emotionally okay.


    So love and strength to every one, we will get through it and we WILL be okay.


    MUAH!!!!! *BIG HUG*


    Indeed, happyness is a choice! I'm glad you realise. It took me a few weeks to realise that after my break-up, but i'm very happy these days.


    I can almost say that i'm over her. Not 100% but i would say 80%. I can hang out with my friends again, even when she is around. It doesn't hurt me anymore. I just don't care anymore how things will be going between us.


    And thanks to the break-up i realised that this girl isn't actually what I want.


    Good luck my friends, I know it's hard. But you can do it! Believe in yourselves!

  6. Day 3: 6:06pm


    good job Bobby!


    Saw him today because we have finals. It was really bad I couldn't focus for the first ten minutes because he sat a few rows in front of me. I'm just so mad it's beginning to affect other things. I was ready to fly off the handle at my roomate today when all she wanted to know was if I needed plates after she moves out this week.


    I felt so bad afterward. Any advice on letting go/getting through the anger.


    There is nothing you can do now. Nothing will change the fact that he left you. How hard it may seem. Being angry is just a way to waste your energy.

    Try to let go of the anger, its not fun for you, and neither for the people around you. I know its hard, but try too


    Try focusing on the little things that make you happy. For example, be gratefull that you got the legs to walk, or the eyes to see. Being gratefull results in being happy. I recommend watching The Secret, i'm not sure wether you know about it. It's a movie about the Law of Attraction. The movie is a little bit over the top tho, but it has great potential to make you clear that happyness is a choice.


    It helped me to deal with my emotion of the break-up very much. I tend to watch it once a week, to keep my new lifestyle motivated.


    As far for me;


    Day ??:

    I'm getting there, I don't care anymore that she left me for someone else. I still think about her. But not that much. I keep myself busy while studying for the exames that are coming up.


    I've recently opened my eyes and saw that there's alot of potential girls around me. So try to remember that there's plenty of fish in the sea


    Kudos my friends!

  7. I say unless she wants to talk about your friend sighh don't engage in conversation with her. if she wants to reminisce or talk about "old times" don't even bother. you are already emotional on this day remembering the passing of your friend, you don't need her extra drama to push you over the edge. go remember your friend but leave her alone.


    good luck and have strength my friend


    I didn't talk to her.

    I'm glad i had the strength to not give in.


    She tried starting a conversation with me at some point. She asked me if i had written a message in the messagebook that they we're going to give to his parents. I just nodded yes, turned around and went to my friends.

    She was trying to make eye-contact all the time but I didn't look at her.


    I'm really getting stronger by the day, i'm starting to accept that this chapter is over, and that i'm opening a new one. And hell I haven't lost a valuable thing, she was an ok girlfriend. But not perfect. Is this normal? Like that once you're over her, you're starting to realise that all of it wasn't actually worth the trouble of the break-up? Because i sure have this feeling right now, and i'm feeling good about it.


    Good luck my friends.

  8. Today i'll probably have to talk to the EX.


    A year ago, on this day. A very good friend of mine passed away because of a drug overdose. We're holding a meeting with friends, just so we can get together and remember him.


    I've known this guy since i was 6 years old. I have great memories with him, and i'm still sad when I think about how it happened and all, but well he is in a better place now.


    My ex knew him through me, but she will be there aswell. She just sent me a message asking me if i was going there tonight. I replied i was. She send another message "Want to chat?". I replied "About?". She replied "I don't know. Just chat". Haven't replied just yet.


    I don't really know what I am supposed to do now.

    I partly don't want to go, just because she is there. But i want to be there, because that way we'll remember a good friend, who sadly left us.


    So I don't really know what i'm supposed to do now. I've been doing fantastic so far. But i think that talking with her will make things worse.

  9. I know its a hard time. But reading old text-messages will only make you feel worse. Delete them ASAP, or don't read them at all.


    I'm glad you had a friend change your facebook password. I just deactivated my account. Haven't loggen on for a day so far : D, i just don't need facebook anymore. It's annoying. And i never had the temptation to look up my ex. But yesterday i stumbled onto some photographs of her which where taken today. It didn't do me that much. Except that my best friend was on them with her.


    I told you guys earlier that she contacted me on her old emailadress, which i hadn't blocked. I've blocked it now. Because i don't want her to check up on me. If she wants contact, she'll have too call. But i doubt that'll happen. But either way is okay for me.


    Ah well, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm healing slowly, but steady.

  10. Yesterday, the ex started talking to me on msn, she logged onto her old e-mailadress which i haven't blocked. I replied to her, We had a little conversation. Just a bit of chit-chat. Asking me how i was doing etc etc.


    At the end of the conversation she told me she was logging onto her new e-mailadress (which i've blocked and deleted). After that she said that it's up to me for me to add her back. But i just don't feel like adding her again, and ruining my progress because I'm doing GREAT!


    I'm 19 years old. I've finally bought a car, going for my driver license next week. And i've finally started to study before the exams are actually started. I'm full of good hope, and 've never felt more confident in my life. (working out is awesooome).

    I'm also learning to cook, which i've always wanted to do.

    I used to smoke weed on a daily basis for 2 years straight. I've been sober for 3 months already and i don't have the intention to smoke again.

    I think i'm finally getting my life back on track, and i'm happy about it.

    She's really missing out on me. But i don't really care anymore.

  11. happened to me too, she said she would pay me to change her oil for her. I ignored it and after a day i got a "I guess thats a no" she chose some guy over me after a year and im suppost to be friends with her and have her rub him in my face and hurt me, no way. Keep going man she'll want you back one day but it might be too late for her. stay strong, I know I am. im hurting right now but im going to be an azz to her behind her back so I dont talk to her. Im not sure what day im on but it feels like forever.


    hehe, i'm in the same situation man. And indeed, i know that she'll miss me even tho she says she's happy with her new bf now. I just know things will not work out between those two. But to be honest,i couldn't care less what happens between them. It's all about ME now. Keep strong!


    Today i've broken NC, only because she had a case in court (about child molesting). I just wished her good luck and that she had too be strong. She thanked me for that. Afterwards she told me the result of the case; it was delayed 'till september. Back to NC now.


    No contact, is really starting to show me results. I'm feeling alot better lately and have been regaining my confidence and such. I don't need anyone but myself to be happy. I used to want her back so badly. These days i don't care anymore. If she wants to consider a reconciliation between us, i'd have to think that through, whilst in the beginning of the break-up i'd take her back without a doubt.


    To everyone, stay strong on your NC journey.

  12. Writing about it does make you feel better! I'm glad ENA is here too. My ex also left me for someone else, pretty much depressed me out -- the most I've been depressed in my life.


    But trust me, it DOES get better. I'm still down in the slums some days but most days I'm great


    When I initiated NC on my ex, 2 days later she tries to text and call me because she "really needed help". So the next day I find out she just wanted help with a computer virus problem. What a joke. Of all times to call me, she calls me at 3:30 in the morning, after I initiated NC and said my goodbye to her.


    Going to the gym is good and I'm really liking it


    Yea, working out is awesome, it helps you to take your mind off of her and think of yourself, in a very positive way. I've started working out 2 months ago aswell. I've gained about 3 kg of muscles, i'm a really skinny guy so it's very noticeable! It pleases me that i'm keeping up with my schedule and such. As far back as i can remember i never had the willpower to do so.


    Seems like she just used an excuse to string you along a little longer.

    Today i replied to the ex's sms. I kept it short. She asked me sunday how i was doing. I've only replied today. "Good." was all that i responded, she chose to not be a part of my life so she has to deal with it that i'm not giving her any attention anymore. I made the mistake of "begging" her to take me back, and i'm not going to lower myself to that point again. (I didn't really beg, i just stayed friends in the hope we could be together again. But i couldn't handle that, and i don't want to be just friends.)


    Hehe, i'm starting to feel bad for the guy who she is dating now. He'll have a * * * * sex life, but i was able to cope with it. Because i always was thinking about the better days to come. It's funny how you try to work things out even when they can make you sad, and after the break-up you're like... * * * was i thinking?


    I wish everyone else good luck!

  13. Day 31:

    I am feeling a lot better recenty, but there's still those times where i'm thinking about her and about how she ended it. I try to let go as best as i can, i'm succeeding but i just need more time. Last saturday she suddently started talking too me on msn. Asking me how i was doing. I ignored her, it is hard. But I have to, for my own sake. I also didn't feel like re-adding her and deleting her again, and maybe see stuff that i wouldn't want to. Yesterday, I was busy working for school. So I wasn't really paying attention to my cellphone. Apparently she sent me an SMS to ask me how i was doing. I haven't replied to that one either. And i doubt I will. What part of No Contact does she not understand?


    I'm wondering, and thinking that she's starting to miss me. But i refuse to believe that, because that's not the cause. I can't let my hopes up. I'm finally starting to get better, i don't need any drawbacks.


    She left me for someone else, and she crushed my feelings. I'm finally starting to accept that it's over, and that we'll never get back together. A part of me is sad because of this, but another part has accepted it. I just need a little more time, and I'm sure i'll get over this.


    Writing about this sure makes you feel better.

    I thank you ENA, you're the best.

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