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Posts posted by ForumGuy

  1. She's probably wondering, why isn't he texting me? He always does that after he sees me! Not this time.
    Excellent buddy....the not looking at Facebook is great too. I went for awhile in the summer looking at my ex's FB and it set me back some. Don't think about it anymore. I'm betting your ex is he one who wanted to be hugging you.
  2. I've been on here a month or two now and following the NC advice. I just got back with my ex a couple of days ago. I've written it in other posts, but as soon as she saw me putting myself out there on singles sites, she came running back. Wish I knew if there is a "syndrome" for people who DON'T want to be with someone, but DON'T want them to be with anyone else either"...both me and my girlfriend have been guilty of this during the 3 year course of our relationship. We have broken up with each other and have both come back when the other looks to be moving on. weird I know.


    She now says that she has always, and will always, love me. I am taking her at her word and not bringing up anything from the past, or asking any questions about the time we were broke up. I know her, and she doesn't like "talking about things". Nothing was ever real bad during the break-up though, except for my broken heart.

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