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Posts posted by sad_clown

  1. Hey evryone yesterday i was talking to this girl i had a liking for (shes also my classmate). Anyway we were chatting online when she asked me to do this so called personality match form.


    ANyway it turned out that it asked a lot of personal qn and i was required to ans it honestly. I did that thinking that the answers would be confidential however i got screwed man it turned out to be a hoax.


    Evry single answer was sent back to this girl and although we both played down most of the answers i am embarrased still.


    Well she told me that she had sent this to a few others also but i believe their answers were not as embarrassing as mine


    Below is the qns and my ans so pls tell me what i shld docause i am damn embarrassed. thanks.


    Your Real Name:


    Your Email:


    Your Gender/Sex:


    Your Birthdate:


    Name of your biggest crush:

    annie( that girl )

    Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend ?


    If Yes, Write down his/her name:


    Name of your first crush:


    Ever had sex in your life ?


    Do you watch porn sites/movies ?


    How many times do you masturbate in a week ?


    Are you attracted to an individual of the same sex ?


    Which skin color would you prefer in your partner ?


    If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, what is the current status of your relationship ?

    None as of yet

    What turns you ON the most ? (Hair, eyes, etc)


  2. I gave this girl i like a bday present. Although we are just frens now I still bought her something which i thought would be great. It was taken off from DKNY's new autumn collection of watches.


    When she opened her present just now i was not around as i had already left. Anyway she msg me and said that she wanted to return the gift as she felt it was too expensive. I told her that it was not really costly so asked her not to worry bout the price. Then she said that she was not comfortable receiving such a gift as we were nothing and she dare not accept the gift. I msg her back again and said that it ws a gift from a fren to another fren.


    She hasnt replied after that but as they said no news is good news so does it mean that she has accepted the watch ??? or is there some other meaning ??????

  3. We are frens but not eros frens yet but more platonic at this stage.


    Is like this time i want to risk it make it so obvious and if i fail i fail which is most likely i think. However if there is a 0.1 per cent chance i will try cause u know the saying better to have loved and lost .............


    yeah and as for if she gives me sumthing like that i would die happy . On my part there wont be an obligation as i believe love is a gift not an obligation.


    We see in every class like everyday and yeah i am still considering the best way to give the present to her. HAve considered what u said and came up with something like i will give her the present on the day b4 her birthday at nite then go back home. And on her actual birthday day i which is also a school day i would just skip class just in case i get a negative result may not be able to take it.


    Problem though is that day i might risk screwing up a paper as it a project presentation day and might be me who is called up. Actually i wouldnt mind as the weightage is just a difference between an A and a B so really still at a loss.


    I think i am still doing what they would call situation analyse at this stage so veri confused and screwed stilll

  4. I am a person that when i give a present to a girl i will just like give it and run off for fear of rejection. It happened b4 and i am quite sure it will happen again.


    Recently i met this girl whom i like alot we are in the same class too. Seriously speaking i dun think i can successfully make it however i am still trying anyway. Yeah anyway we do talk sometimes but its more of like frens talk.


    Actually its quite obvious that i do like her but i just dun know how to put it in words. I think she knows that too but nothing really comes out and it hurts.


    What I intend to do is that on her birthday which is coming up soon I give her a D&G watch and also a CD compilation of songs that say i like you but dun know how to say it.


    Problem is I dunno how to give it to her without making the situation akward as we are in the same class and if she rejects the present ...........die. Also the class pple i believe will make it difficult for me too as i am not really tight with them if u know what i mean.


    Anyway i dun know what to do past her birthday date so can anyone help me analyse what might happen? Cause for the first time in my life i cannot estimate with a margin of safety what will happen in this situation.


    Even now i am stuck in depression and a lot of crazy thoughts abt my mortality have entered my mind due to this so if anyone would care pls reply asap



  5. firstly to clarify the song is a country song by kenny rogers

    secondly i cant actually say anything yet as she is currently hooked up with someone else. Although she did say b4 that their relationship was not too stable. Anyway i intend to hint to her what i feel on her birthday sometime in Oct when i can give her a suitable present accompanied with music that screams out how i feel about her[/u]

  6. You give your hand to me and then you say hello


    C7 F


    And I can hardly speak, my heart is beating so


    C A7 Dm G7


    And anyone could tell, you think you know me well


    C D7 G7


    But you don't know me








    No you don't know the one who dreams of you at night


    C7 F


    And longs to kiss your lips and longs to hold you tight


    C A7 Dm G7


    To you I'm just a friend, and that's all I've ever been


    C F C C7


    No, you don't know me






    F C


    For I never knew the art of making love


    Dm G7 C


    Though my heart aches with love for you


    Am Em


    Afraid and shy I let my chance go by


    D7 G7


    The chance that you might love me too








    You give your hand to me and then you say good-bye


    C7 F


    I watch you walk away beside the lucky guy


    C A7 Dm G7


    To never, never know the one who loves you so


    C F C


    No, you don't know me

  7. I don't where or even how to start so i will just say it as it is. I fell for a girl who is in a relationship with another guy ten years her senior. Well we are frens are are on talking terms however we are just frens. She may know that i do like her as i treat her much better then the people around her.


    One more thing about her is that before this guy, she was involved with another guy around her age. That was her first love and she told me before that she was stilll kind of hung up over him.


    To continue, she told me before that her current bf is kinda flirty and she doesnt like that and that the reason she doesnt go clubbing with him is that she doesnt want to see him flirt as this would cause a quarrel. She said that if they quarrelled one more time they would definitely break up.


    Well anyway i do care for her and wish her happiness no matter what and intend to hint to her how i feel just b4 her birthday in october.


    My plan was to buy a good box of Godiva chocolates and quality perfume for her and attach a song called You Don't know Me in lyrics and music to her too.


    Basically that song sings of a guy who has fallen in love with a girl but he doesnt know how or what to say. It tells of how behind the scenes he really does care for her and that he would wish her happiness even when she walks off with another lucky guy.


    That song really relates and is a real strong hint too so i was just wondering if anyone could tell me if this is a feasible method to tell her that i am there for her come rain or shine regardless of whether she chooses to be with me or not.

  8. Hi everyone this is my third post. Anyway was just looking back through the past 4 year or so of my life and i realised that my love life is pathetic.

    Let me describe myself first and you shld see that this shld not be so. Although i am not particularly tall standing onli at 5'7 however most people i know say i got that tom cruise charm and that is true not bragging or anything. My biggest problem is that things come so easily for me that i dun really have to fight much for anything your typical alpha male sort however i become blank when i meet a girl i like. I really have no idea what to do. Furthermore the girls i go for are more girl next door type certainly not kate moss material but instead more cute sort so u cant really say i set my sights too high either.


    Anyway just let me tell u bout my failures and u can see how sad my lifeis.


    When i was 13 in secondary 1 i had my first real crush. I had no idea wha t to do. I didnt even act on my crush. Couldnt gather enough guts to do anything.

    So i gave up b4 anyting even started. Pathetic dun u think. In that same year this girl's fren whom i didnt particularly like tried to get together with me but as i said i was to childish or maybe stupid to see that then and so nothing happened again. But that was not so bad as i wasnt really interested. More interested in her fren instead.


    So that was secondary school 4 years of it without getting into anything serious. Then a new start in a new school. Polytechnic just recently started two months ago. Anyway in my class i met a girl i really liked. This time though i tried my hardest to gather some courage to just get to know her better. Although we are just frens now so far i strove to give up most of my vices especially gambling. Glad to say that i have kicked the habit.


    The point is i do care for her. Weird feeling considering i do not care muhh for anything else. I treat her much better then i treat the class pple and she doesnt really like what i am doing. We do talk online sometimes and i do help her in some of her work but she asked me b4 y i was treating her so well and i just blanked out completely. I dun really know how to express my feelings in words but onli by action.

    Bout a few days back she asked me to be less jerk like towarsds the class and to treat them like how i deal with her. If u have read my earlier posts u will know y i isolated most of my class but i couldnt tell her why.


    From what she has told me she puts on two faces. One is this happy bright girl in front of class but in actual fact a rather down girl behind. And the best part is i dunno how to make her feel better. I onli know how to be there for her nothing less nothing more.


    Today even something dumber happened to me. It was like after a test and we all were going home. I saw her and just blanked out again couldnt even open my mouth to say hi. I just walked off hurridedly past her and now i am bashing myself up over this.


    Any body know what mental problem am i suffering from ? Or anyone can tell me what i should do? Cause i am really feeling lost for the first time in my life

  9. What is love that transcends all else. It is like women to men-------- cant live with them cant live without them.


    Love hurts Nazereh the band sang this song and it is so true Love Hurts Love Scars Love wounds and mars.


    But Love also heals Love fills the gaps.


    But what is love a fleeting moment or an everlasting committment to a cause

    . I like a gal alot and my day is kinda determined by her mood however we are not together but i still care for her wish her happiness. If it is not with me then someone better.


    But it hurts although i have not been rejected yet because i haven told her anything but the hints i have dropped is enough to make even a blind man see.

    Guess chances of success are low but still hope she is happy.

    This is not a query or anything just wished to post up my bottled up feelings

  10. About 2 months ago I started school. In the first week i met a girl who was a year older then me but in the same class. She was very cute sort of your girl next door look very innocent very pure type. Well anyway I got her number and yeah we talked. In school also we do share mutual frens as afterall we are in the same class. But then they knew i liked her and they kept teasing so in order to prevent the situation being so akward i deceide to isolate them and act as a jerk towards them. You know sort of like to get them off my back and hers too. So well the plan worked out they isolated me and me them. Anyway the situaion is less akward now but as this girl i like is in the same group of frens so i also dun get to talk much with her nowadays in class. However out of school we do chat online and sometimes i help her in her work too.Yesterday we talked again and yeah the conversation got deep. She said that her grp of frens in class were not happy with my recent attitude and that she wanted me to change also. But its hard man especially since i isolated them cause of her. Obviously i was not going to tell her that rite? So i said i would just try to change to pacify her but in actual fact i would just leave those pple out of my life. I dun know. Ever since i got to know her i been hitting the bottle. I told her that too but said it was due to stress not because that i liked her which is the actual reason.

    This girl told me b4 that she had been in a bad relationship once and is now in an on off situaion with a guy ten years her senior and he doesnt particurlaly treat her well too. So i dun really know what to do should i come on hard after which i might get my already achy breaky heart thrashed or shld i just let her know i am there and just be there 4 her. Actually i am doing this rite now but sometimes it hurts man to see her each day and not be able to say anything.

    Anyone out there mind telling me what i should do thanks alot.

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