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Posts posted by sammi3110

  1. kate111 - I know exactly what you mean with the anxiety levels!!! Its like you could almost jump out of your skin with the million thoughts racing all at once. I'm in the same boat! But a beautiful hippy lady told me at my work to try this and it has been kind of working. She said to look in mirror any chance I get (mornings, nights, when I go to bathroom, in revision mirror in car) and say out loud (if no one else is around of course) ' I do not want to continue this train of thought, these thoughts don't own me, I own them'. Sounds weird I know but it has somehow slightly helped when my anxiety is through the roof and negative thoughts are taking over. If you are like me, you are willing to try anything!!! Good luck!!

  2. After a long 15 months since we officially broke up I am in desperate need of NC. You all know how it goes, back and forth conversations of how much you miss each other, catching up, sleeping together, trying NC, failing NC, endless tears and painful words......end result. Still broken up. And I am becoming more broken by the day and it's not how I want to live my life. I love the guy, there is no doubt about it. 5 years, engagement, almost marriage and 15 months of hell since breaking up. But it's time to get my life in order. I am the only one that can do this. No one else. Already spoken to him today, already felt that desperate, pathetic feeling when you are rejected. I don't want to feel that anymore.

    Day 1 NO CONTACT will start tomorrow. He doesn't know it yet and maybe I don't need to tell him. He knows I want to let go and move on so this is exactly what needs to happen. Reading everyone's comments and progress has given me hope and made me realise I am not the only going through this type of pain. Thank you all for sharing this painful part of your lives. Good luck to us. I know there is happiness for everyone.

    Day 1.......

  3. The road has been long and bumpy and I fear it will only get worse now. It has been a year since we broke up and today is our second day of proper NC. I have missed you for the past year and we have been dragging this out hoping we didn't have to say goodbye. It was so hard to say goodbye 2 days ago. My heart is broken and I know that you will forever hold a piece of it. I miss you so much. The pain is so raw and so real..I just want to crawl back into bed with you and make it all go away. But its time for me to be a big girl and let go and move on. You are the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. I will miss you for the rest of my life...I hope to find you in the next life.

    Day 2 of NC and struggling!

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