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Posts posted by iaooak

  1. I kinda understand your partners feelings...........Sex is a very bonding and connecting act. It was meant to be that way and to keep two people bonded in the most physical way. Alot of people these days down play the role of sex in a relationship but it was created as a wonderful act granted and sanctified by GOD. No partner should ever refuese the other. Only serving the Lord and doing his work is more important. Two people should come together as much as possible to keep the bond in tact. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, its great...........You should be the lucky one to have a wife that wants you so much...

    I understand your wife feelings. One can only take rejection so much. And I'll tell you this, her feelings are not her fault, but a natural happening when ones deepest emotions get rejected. Her most vulnerable emotion has been scarred and recovery is tough. Opening up again may or may not happen.


    The same happened to me. Over years my feelings of love for my wife left. I was so confused as to I didnt' know why.... The rejection of the most intimate kind of love has devistational results even without our own knowledge.

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