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Posts posted by hopelessincan

  1. Maybe this doesn't belong here, but I think its an interesting quiz..


    Are you still trying to get back with him? Trying to, no..wanting to, yes

    -Did you start dating other people in the meantime? not really. Going out and meeting people yes, but not at all interested or ready in dating.

    -Are you going to the gym (or some other pysical activity) and taking up new hobbies? yes. Forcing myself, but at least Im doing it.

    -Would you say you are still obsessing over your ex? Maybe. He's still in my head for sure

    -Did you apply the no contact rule? eventually.

    -If you are still obsessed with your ex, do you feel this is a good way to continue living or you should try to change it? its all good. Im doing what I have to do.

    -Have you made any effort in moving on? yes.

    -Did you accept the fact that you might never get back with him and embrace the fact that there are endless opportunities out there to find happiness and love? accept the fact - yes. Embrace it - not a chance

    -Would you consider yourself a happy person? I used to be. Trying to find that person again. She was so much more fun.

  2. Four weeks tomorrow. 28 days. I know my part in the break up and I know his. And its going to be ok. Havent been pining for him, but if and most likely when he contacts me it will bring me back. Whether I acknowledge it or not. Anyways..I am proud of myself. I've been able to put my emotions on a shelf. Thank goodness I have been busy...I know it has helped.

  3. 13 days. I was doing ok. I do know that I wont be contacting him again. I've reached my limit of pain Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like hell cause it does. I give him a week, maybe two and I'll get a text. Right now, I feel like I will ignore it. Who knows what will happen if and when he does. I hope it happens in an anger mood, not a sad one. He wanted to visit in two weeks...Oh heck hes been trying to visit for the last four months... I think I can do it this time. I unblocked him yesterday..That was dumb. now I have to re-block him tomorrow..grrrr... I never acted like this when I was a teenager for crying out loud. I'm a grown adult. This is stupid.

  4. lol why cant my life be simple? spent all night last night talking to the ex before you. We haven't spoken in years. I hated him so much. Still do, but apparently there is something there...........probably my loneliness............I suspect he is feeling guilt and missing me. Don't let that be you in a few years ok? Figure it out before then. Don't mess with my head. Why am I the one that you all come back to? Why is it every ex never forgets me? Why cant any of you just give your all when you have me? You know I do. Yes, I have issues....but damn when I love, I love. I might be a pain and push you away..but that is just my defenses.......... And you all take advantage of my heart.

  5. Maybe what you said has some truth to it. Told you my ex contacted me when you left, and you seemed surprised. We've been talking more and more. At first it was annoying and 'how dare he'.... Now its somewhat nice to catch up yet comforting. Maybe you will also be spending all those years thinking about me too. You idiots don't know what you have when you have it.

    Not saying I would take him back, but I never thought in a million years I would ever talk to him again. and he frankly doesn't deserve it...but its familiar. For right now, its a distraction.

  6. Day 2 again. Why are our conversations always so emotionally charged? Its nice to hear your true feelings come out though.

    I know we cant get back and fix us without friendship, but its a catch 22. I will not contact you again. I have to move on, as it seems you are forcing yourself to.

    How can you say our story isn't over, but it is for now? If that's what you truly believe, then lets fix it now, not later.

  7. The ex gf tried to come back in a few months ago. Told her about my soon to be fiancé and told her that if something were to happen to us I would possibly consider it, but it would be nigh on impossible now. I've moved to Kentucky, bought me a place up there, and am happy. She still comes around but she don't bring it up, now she's just become my friend and I'm good with that

    after how long broken up? details...

  8. why are you tormenting me? Like really... Theres something about fate that is playing a part in this I swear. Explain to me, please explain to me how Im out in my own town where I know lots and lots of people............... and I run into no one that I know except for three people from your town. Really!?!?!

    I believe in fate, I do. And I think there's a reason. Call me crazy, but that's just weird. You are miles from me and I see one of your good friends? And the first thing they say to me is that you made a mistake!???

    What did I do to deserve this torment? Every time I start to feel the slightest bit better.........you call or text or I get some stupid heartbreaking reminder

    Here I am crying months later .... and I stalked your facebook tonight. For the first time in like two months. Can you please block me?

    Its funny...cause it seems you are overcompensating as much as I am. I hate facebook. But yep, ive been adding ppl just cause. Fake happiness right. I don't even like you anymore. But I still have so much love for you, that I hate myself for that. You don't deserve it.

  9. Sorry to be so snappy. I just thought this thread was somewhere to vent all the things you can't say to your ex and I didn't really expect anyone to be reading my posts, or judging them lol. I try not to read other posts in this thread. Maybe that's just me.

    People read them, but you are right...this is where you should be able to post without fear of negativity...lord knows, I've posted some nonsense here...but sometimes that's all you need is to get out whatever it is that you are feeling at the moment.

    Sorry that you felt judged. Keep letting your feelings out...

  10. Yep. I answered you after a week. You answered then disappeared. That's ok. Maybe youre on a date lol. Good thing cause I probably would have told you that I love you.

    I do. I spent the night going through all the crappy things you did. And it still doesn't matter. Point is. I love you. This is weird for me. Cause Im able to move on usually. With you..not so much... Wish me luck on my stupid date tomorrow.......

  11. So I was just asked out for dinner. Yay me. Nothing flatters me anymore. I just want you. I hope this will pass.

    This guy is actually decent too.

    I'm not necessarily attracted to him, but he's got his crap together. Like you. Except he's not you, and no one will ever be as good as you.


    Why did you have to send me all that stuff last week? I'm back to you being the only thing I can think about.

  12. just when im thinking im feeling better....... Im way worse. I got a dog. Should have a long time ago. Shes a great distraction. For whatever reason tonight, I thought I could handle looking at our vacation pics.....I did...I was ok.... then watched our videos...........heard your voice and Im done.............. barrel of tears......

    I've been so strong, but Im so weak. I never did send you the rest. Youre as emotional as I, so maybe I should send them...but then that would be contact....But if you watched them youd feel the same as I do...This is the worst pain I have ever felt. I hope one day I can look at your picture and not long for you

  13. Hey. I just scrolled down my phone...and it took a while to see your name. Its only been a week since we talked, but it means that I've also been talking to people again. Slowly making new friends... There are certain people I refuse to talk to even now..including some of my best friends..because they don't help me....even when I tell them what I need from them right now. I talked to a close friend tonight...who peeved me off....but well frankly I probably should stop talking to him.. I know hes in love with me.

    I had a good weekend. I did my own thing and was productive. Had a few visitors...but that was ok... they didn't stay long.

    I think I will always love you. You made a difference in my life. I cant say that about pretty much anyone.

    I love you. I miss you. We have lots of work to do. Or maybe I will just forget about you one day. I love you a lot. xoxo

    I promised myself last we talked, that I wouldn't contact you. So I have to stick to it. I have to forget about you

    I just hope you remember me. Don't make it too long ok? Cause it will be too late. And I still think you and I are meant to be. You even said so once...Maybe not now..But some day...

  14. Well its a whole 5 days for me today and again, I seem ok. Not quite 2.5 months since break up.... Had some neighbor friends finally ask me today about him...I was able to admit it and I didn't cry. I live in a close knit community so everyone knows everyone else's business... I've had some doozies...but I think they were all rooting for me with him lol. He was a pain in the butt, but damn...he was a great catch. And he always said the same about me. I know I will never find anyone close to him..so Im in trouble!


    I am amazed with myself....I had some moments for sure, but I managed through the day.... did my housework and spent the day outside just being me. Cleaned and worked and swam and relaxed. It was great. I was productive, turned off my phones since yesterday and Im ok.


    I did facebook snoop today, but I don't consider that cheating.... we have thousands of pictures together so I could have just looked at them.... I think I'll eventually be ok. And I do think he will be back. But we both have to get our stuff together...

    For me, I've had chances.. I don't want to do anything and that says a lot... For the first time ever..I'm not trying to dull my pain with someone else....and neither is he..... so we still have a chance

  15. Day 2. I was going to post here thinking it was day 6 or 7, then I realized its only been two days. Technically three, but I cheated Monday morning with one quick text. That he answered of course.

    Today i'm feeling ok. Just ok, but that's better than normal. I'm probably more numb or robotic, but I'll take this over the emotional wreck any day of the week.

    I had a busy day and that's probably why.

    I too have a feeling we aren't over forever, but I know we've both got to get over this and fix our stuff. But I have accepted..no almost accepted that we are done for now and for probably a good six months or so. I hope I'm right. But maybe then I wont care, hopefully by then I will have moved on. He knows our connection, and I'm probably helping him knowing I cant let go. He told me he's far from over me, but he's accepted we cant be together.

    I think I miss him and put all my effort into him because he was probably the only stability I had. What a burden that must have been. I wish I wasn't so broken.

  16. I caved again huh... I miss you so much. My life feels like a mess but all i can think about is you. And how i wasnt worth it to you to try. And how you chose to run when i needed you. I thought a few weeks ago that maybe we were going to be able to fix this. I was so excited to see you...but then your plans changed....its brought me back to square one. All i want is you. The silence is so deafening.

  17. Happy Canada Day. I'm in a weird place right now. I hate, hate, hate you so much. Yet here I am. Crying. I've been dragging myself out, trying as best as I can to keep busy and going through the motions..... I generally do ok till I get home.


    What gets me going the worst is the compliments, the flirts, being asked for my number............Im so not ready for any of that garbage. I just want myself back. Hell I need to find myself. I wish I was whole when we met........ That makes me think of you more than anything. You set the standard ya know that?


    I went out tonight to a new friends place. Had a great time. I left early. But still had fun. Got hit on and they asked for my number. Every one just disgusts me right now. I think I have a sign on my head that im vulnerable...and that's on you! lol But Im not stupid, I might be missing you but id rather be alone. I wish I'd hear from you like you promised.


    I suspect youre in the same boat. But hey we are both stubborn eh. Funny thing is as much as I want to hear from you.............. I don't ever want to talk to you. I don't understand it myself. It sucks that no one will ever match up to you.

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