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Posts posted by fLuiD

  1. How To Leave Hialeah - Jennine Capo Crucet


    Just to give you a little background... Hialeah is a city just outside of Miami. It has the highest concentrated population of Hispanics (mostly Cuban) in South Florida. The author is Cuban and to really enjoy the book, you would have to either be Cuban yourself, or have a general understanding of Cuban culture. (24 Hour Funerals, Family gatherings over a roast pork, etc.) A lot of humor in it and feels a lot like the stories you hear daily from Cuban relatives. As you can imagine, there is an extensive waiting list at all libraries for this book and I have yet to see it In Stock at bookstores.

  2. Wow. This is the 1st year that you and I haven't argued about the Superbowl. It was one of those 'cute' things we would do because you always picked the winning team! For some reason I enjoyed it when you would rub it in my face the whole ride home and during our phone conversation on that night. I know you don't understand the game, but I loved the fact that you got into it enough, just because you know I like it. I'm sorry the Colts lost. I know you are a die hard fan!

  3. Dear Ex,


    I wish I was mad at you so that I could stop thinking of you. Thanks alot for not putting in your part. I let you direct the breakup because I just wanted the best for you, and I asked for a little bit of your compassion, but you couldn't do that. I can't wait until the day I have completely rid you out of my mind. Thank you for everything, but Im sorry that I have to force myself to hate you so that I can get over you.

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