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Posts posted by jrowland

  1. I have a bf of 3 years and we used to really love each other and act like we went out. Now, 3 years he changed completely and acts like he could care if i was ever around or not. This other guy that has always liked me for about 8 years has came around and i have really began to like him alot. I talk to him all the time and when my bf calls i always get off the phone with him to talk to this other guy. I am not sure if i am just bored with my bf or if i should break up with him and start something with the other guy that is the nicest, sweetest guy ever. My mind wants to let my bf go but he has a big place in my heart that won't let go, and i do think what if i break up with him and want him back and it is to late, or should i pull myself away slowly. I used to be with him everyday but now i hardly try to go see him so i think i am trying to pull away slowly but it is the right thing to do. I try to talk to him about it but he just tells me i am stupid and nothing is wrong or he will change and it lasts for a week and gone. He also, wants me to tell him what i want and then when he does it i know it is just because i told him to. I don't know what to do

  2. I am also in the exact position. I have been out with by bf 3 years and I think i am falling in love with this other guy, but I am not sure what to do because i have talked to him before when my bf and i took time apart and stil went back with my bf. Now i am bored with him and not knowing what to do cause when we split up I miss him like crazy but when we are together i do not want to be. I hate to say this but i am actually starting to hate this whole love thing and my life. SO many decisions to make right now and so little time. stressful

  3. I have been going out with this guy for 3 years and we have been trying to buy a house together. I loved the idea at first but then this other guy that has been trying to go out with me for about 5 years came back around. He sends me flowers for my birthday and occasionally just to let me know he is thinking about me. We have always liked each other but our timing has always been bad as in one would be single the other would be in a relationship. Well, some things happened between me and this guy and now i have even stronger feelings for him than ever, but I am not sure if i want to break up with my bf for him. I am happier with this other guy because he treats me the way i should be treated but, 3 years is a long time and a lot of love developed between us and our families. I don't want to dump him and then regret it but i also feel as i am only 20 and i can be out there having fun and not tied down to either right now but maybe eventually start seeing this other guy because he likes to go to clubs and do things which my bf likes to sit at his house. I am so confused and i have little time because we got a loan for a house and we have 2 months now to find one. An idea of what to do would be greatly appreciated.

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