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Posts posted by Minor

  1. Well, the best way in my opinion is to seem sortof uninterested towards girl you like, if you're talking to her or something, just casually, don't make an effort to keep a weak conversation going - no small talk. If you really connect with a girl, great! Keep it going! But never seem like the only thing you have to do is to try and get them to respond to you. Go do something else, act like they're not top priority. If a girl isn't initially interested in you - it only makes it worse to make small talk with her - cause she knows you like her, and it's annoying to her. But as far as getting a girlfriend in general, try not to worry about it. The more to try to get one, the worse the relationship will be once it happens. The best thing is to make friends with a lot of girls, try not think of them as possible girlfriends, just as cool friends you can hang with. This will not only help you get your mind off your lack of girlfriend, but it'll actally increase your chances of getting one, you'll see what I mean Good luck man!

  2. Okay. I met this girl, let's call her Sue for now. I met her in school, in my French class. I was attracted to her before we started talking - she's gorgeous. Then eventually we started talking and she was really nice to me, from there on out, she was all I thought about all day - constantly daydreaming. Then out of nowhere one time when there was a tornado drill in the school, we happened to see each other when we were sitting in the hallway and she locked her arms with mine and put her head on my shoulder and sorta cuddled with me for a while. That did it for me - I was hooked. That night online we were talking and she eventually told me she was "seriously attracted" to me, but she had a boyfriend. But she said that she wasn't happy with this guy and said she was going to break up with him and come to me the next day - in all seriousness. The next day I get a message saying she didn't break up with him, sorry if I thought she was serious but she can't hang out with me today, sorry. That hurt pretty damn bad, but then she wanted me to come to the homecoming dance with her. I went because I had nothing else to do, and we freaked danced like mad... - that was fun. Then the next day online she talked about how she was a tiger in bed, and wanted to know, hypothetically, how I'd get into bed with her. I started talking about stuff I'd do, then she told me to stop because she was feeling guilty about it. So then the next week is sortof uneventful then she breaks up with her boyfriend the following weekend. Now, she knows I care for her, and it was really her choice if she wanted to go out with me. She didn't, instead, she started talking about these other guys she was interested in... that hurt a lot too, I know she has a right, but it really stung. Then after that it seemed like she ignored me for a while, then I finally asked her if she wanted to be with me - she said no. I guess I wasn't expecting a different answer, but I wanted some type of closure to it so if I was to move on, I know I wouldn't be leaving anything behind. So for the past week I've tried as hard as I possibly could to forget about her, I've ignored her almost completely, except for a few nods of acknowledgement in the hallways. But now, more than ever, she's jumped back into my mind - I can't stand being away from her like this, I feels like... love. Is it best for me to block off what I feel for her or is there anything else I should do?

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