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Posts posted by berryel

  1. A very long story short....have been with the most devoted, caring, loving man for 5 1/2 years. I took a break from him in December b/c we weren't getting along - never had a doubt in my mind that we wouldn't get back together - we were just fighting and i wasn't happy with my life (in grad school - we were long distance). I break things off and date this older guy that is kind of the "bad boy"..he pushes his way in my life, calling all the time, flying to see me without even really asking, just telling me "hey,i'm gonna come down for the weekend." He's a little immature for age 28 - doesn't have the best rep (and I have made a great rep for myself), spends tons of money on me and completely falls in love with me - he's a sweet talker. I kinda fell too, but got back with my bf 3 months later b/c he was getting on my nerves.

    He kept calling me even when i was back with my bf - still calling and emailing even up until this month which confused me - still sweet talking me, yadda yadda. Made me doubt my feelings and decision I had made. I told my bf I had feelings for him again. He said he wouldn't have me with half a heart and told me to settle things. Told this other guy I had still had feelings for him and he cried he was so happy.

    Anyways, I finally for sure sure know that my boyfriend is definitely teh one and only one for me. I feel bad for leading this guy on again and getting his hopes up. He called me 15 times in 2 days b/c we were both in the same town this weekend - i did not call back b/c it was pushy and psycho. Talked to him on the internet and told him firmly that I wanted to be with my boyfriend and i was sorry for all i had put him through.

    I feel so bad b/c i don't like to mean to anyone and we did share a lot together, but he didn't get the picture so I guess I had to break it to him the hard way. Should I feel bad?

  2. I'm gonna make this short...

    Do you go with your gut and stay with the guy of your dreams that gives his life for you, and has completely for 5 1/2 years...has every quality a girl could dream of.

    OR...do you completely take the risk of losing this guy and go with the guy that you feel a complete connection with and so much attraction too, has the qualities that matter, like kindness, loving, true, and honest, but has a past and not the best name around (and he's 4 years older) and that your parents wouldn't approve of as much. - this guy feels the same about me and has never felt this way


    HELp! I have been struggling for months now having mental breakdowns every day. I don't know what to do! I took a break with my boyfriend to figure things out, and ended up dating this other guy, only to break things off with him b/c i was falling too hard for him and afraid of losing my old boyfriend. now i'm stuck back at square one with feelings still for guy #2.

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