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Posts posted by ruth

  1. yeah shaving totally sucks...hair grows back after a day or two and the regrowth is coarse and can get a little itchy. So yeah - waxing is much better! Hair takes longer to grow back, and it doesn't grow back as coarse.


    Anyway - I emailed the NADS lady. i'm not expecting to get a reply. I may call 'em. Guess I'll see how I feel after the weekend. *sigh*


    All I have to do now is pray for rain so I don't have to go swimming over the weekend

  2. Hi everyone


    I decided to wax my bikini line for the first time. I used NADS - which turned out to be a huge mistake because that stuff totally SUCKS!

    Anyway - it didn't pull out all of the hairs - actually it probably only pulled out a few. I followed the instructions, and the hairs weren't too long, or anything.

    Anyway - I only did one side because I didn't see the point in touching the other if it didn't work! About 5 minutes after 'waxing' the area, I noticed dark bruising, and blood coming to the surface of my skin. In one or two places where the hair had been pulled out, there was a tiny amount of blood coming out.


    I just want to know...is this normal? I expected pain...but I really didn't expect bruising. Am I just super sensitive? Did I do something wrong? Has this happened to you? What can I do to prevent this from happening? What product should I use instead of 'NADS'?


    I know...a lot of you are probably thinking I should go to a salon to get this done - but I live in a remote area and there aren't any here. Apart from that, I am shy and don't like strange people poking around down there. Yeah yeah, they do that sort of thing all the time - but still!!!

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I have been experiencing something similar of late; cyber stalking.


    As my problem has been getting progressively worse, I decided to do some research on cyber stalking and find out exactly what options I have and what my rights are. I found a few sites that may be of interest to you.

    Make sure you don't delete any emails he sends you, and send him an email telling him to leave you alone (and make sure you keep a copy of that email telling him to leave you alone). If he is still bothering you after all that, then follow through with the other advice listed on the links below.


    Don't feel stupid - because you're not. There is nothing wrong with you because you didn't want to do what he wanted. It's your body, so you have the final say. Guys should know that no means no, and stop means stop.

    Something like this could have happened in a social offline setting as well, so it really is no different just because you met this guy online. You don't even know people that you meet at the local café or through friends.


    There are probably many more resources available, but these are just some sites which I found to have the best information regarding my problem. If you can't find what you're looking for on these sites, just go to any search engine and look up "online harassment" or "online stalking".


    Hope I was able to help Good luck!

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