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Posts posted by playahater03

  1. To answer your first question we're both 26 years old. And yes I am an OUT and PROUD lesbian. I have told everyone who is important to me and I am no ashamed of who I love. So yes, this is very painful for me because I am Hiding for her. I hate not being able to touch her because "Oh no! Someone might see!" And I hateeeeeeeeeeee it. How can I be with some one who is ashamed of me or what we have? Idk....she hasnt always been like this. When we first got together she didnt care who saw us of if we were holding hands or something in public, it seems to be getting worse. I think your right, I should give her time to figure her own stuff out. I just dont want to lose her, I know everyone says that, but she has become such a HUGE part of my life. She is my girlfriend, my lover, and my best friend. How do I give her time away from me when I need her so much? I cant be selfish and I know it, but its just so hard. But youre right, its better for her to take time and realise if this is a "phase" or whatever before she breaks my heart completely. Whatda u think??

  2. My girlfriend and I have been talking about marriage alot lately. And I know it scares her, she is most definitly a "commitment-phobe" so I've stoped pushing it because I love her and dont want her to become uncomfy or feel like Im pressuring her into something shes not ready for. But when I told her that, she told me it wasnt just the talk of marriage that has been making her act weird lately. She says she's been doubting her own sexuality. She says that sometimes she feel like I'm just a phase, or that being attracted to girls is just a phase. She says that she cant see herself ever marrying a women, even if she loves her (as she loves me) because her entire family would disown her and she cant handle that. She says she isnt ready to handle the all the problems and hardships that come from being in a same-sex marriage/relationship. How am I supost to take that? To be honest it hurts because I love her so much, and none of that matters to me as long as I have her in my life and in my heart, and I dont know what to tell her. Help?

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