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Posts posted by Mellie

  1. @OhSunny. Well you are in this forum and it would seem you want to get back together with him. Unfortunately, I do not know 'your story', but from my own personal experience (many breakups) we NEVER addressed why we broke up. Just kept hitting the reset button you know? And what is the definition of insanity?


    I think you should ask him what you just asked us.


    I agree completely.

  2. Day... IDK... 8? Feeling good today. Started a project at home so bish-bash-bosh, busy busy. I have a long drive tomorrow to pick up some equipment in one of the prettiest parts of the country. Same for Friday. I do still think about him, but probably only like 60% of the time now No tears. Nice.

  3. Day 5. Pretty crappy. Angry/sad. Thinking back, it's pretty clear he was distancing himself over the past couple of months in preparation for this. There were no arguments or anything like that. I'd ask if everything was ok and he'd smile and say fine, and we'd go on joking around. I'm starting to feel like a complete pratt. I knew he was lying deep down. So all the I love you so muches are most likely BS too. Even in the breakup email there were three of them! I love you so much, but I'm going to walk away now and never look back. I'll bet he hasn't been sitting there all this time feeling this way. I'm more angry with me than anyone else. Not sure you can really trust anyone anymore.


    I think this is probably me just realising that we're done here.

  4. Day 3. Yesterday was baaaaaaaad - armageddon stuff - but today seems brighter. Not thinking about him so much. Only checked my inbox, maybe 5 times? That's since getting up, not in the last 5 minutes


    Making a concerted effort to poke fun at the situation. If you laugh at something, you take it's power away.

  5. Just putting your thoughts in an email WITHOUT clicking send can help. Save it. If you feel the need, go back and take a look next time you feel the urge to contact them. Maybe you'll build up a catalogue, kind of track your progress through the healing process. I do my best to just push them out of my head completely and do something that satisfies me in the meantime. I'll say, ok, I can think about them for the next ten minutes. If they pop back into my head after that I make a conscious effort to push them back out - wipe the blackboard clean.


    I know the easy part is to type the email and the hard part is not to click send, but here's the deal. It's a swizz. The second you hit send you might have a little glow of satisfaction, but it's gone pretty quickly. Then you're left kicking yourself for losing all your control and dignity.

  6. Day 1 really, even after being broken up for 2 months.


    We don't work together as of yesterday so I'm getting my head around the fact that I've no reason to ever see him again, and I shouldn't want to anymore either.


    I won't be contacting him. I don't want to know about his new life, or how he's doing great without me.


    Just got to make sure I start doing great without him. No one's worth all of this - if they were, they wouldn't put you through all of this.

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