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Posts posted by donpeel83

  1. Dear OP I have done not too dissimilar things in the past also. The grief from a relationship can make one do crazy things. You said yourself you know this was a crazy crazy thing to do, and from my experience we need to sometimes hit a rock bottom as it were to truly realise we are stood on the precipice of a spectacular life fail moment. Hopefully you can truly learn from this and move forward. Also if you can delete social media, I’ve often found it to be poisonous in these scenarios.


    All the best 

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  2. In years from now you will realise I was the best thing for you and that I could have given you the life you always craved filled with luxurious comforts. Now, as you begin to live a life of poverty I hope you look in the mirror and realise this is the start of Karma tearing into you for all the atrocities you bestowed upon on me, your previous relationships and even your own flesh and blood. You are not the person you think you are. You are scum, a scab on the face of society which represents what is truly wrong, evil and ugly about humanity. In time you will have to look in the mirror and accept that the pitfalls you have been faced with, the financial hardships, the fact you had to move into a dark little flat in the rough part of town where you said you would never wanted to live are all you own fault……no one else’s apart from yourself. And as for your new BF…….I feel for him because before long he too will be on this type of web site and pouring his heart out at what you have done to him.

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