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Posts posted by meeshelle610

  1. Just wanted to say I am going through the same thing. My ex boyfriend calls me everyday and frequently tells me he loves me and thinks I may be "the one". he hopes we get back together someday and says he's never loved someone as much as he loves me. He says he loves to be around me, I am his BF and the sex is great. So, what is his problem? he says he needs to find himself. I keep thinking he will find it and realize he wants to marry me. But, it's been 4 months of this now and I've offered and tried everything I can think of... yet he remains indecisive. I asked him last week if he will ever figure it out and he said probably not. He won't make a decision until he just feels something needs to change.

    So, my plan of action is to completely ignore him and see what happens. I do not have the courage to tell him to never call me again... so I hope this way he will just slowly fade out and one day be gone for good.

  2. I am 28 and dated this guy, 33, for 2.5 years. We had a great relationship and talked many times about marriage. Before me he almost married a girl after dating her for 4 years. He has never really been single (always been in a serious rel). Three months ago he dumped me out of nowhere. He said he just needed to find himself and was not sure if I was the one or not (to marry). he still calls me everyday - even after I've asked him not to. He tells me he loves me and has never loved anyone so much as me. he tells me he hopes we will get back together someday and that I am his best friend. Yet, he is dating other women and sleeping with them. I thought he was the guy for me and we would marry someday. Now, I'm not sure. Should I remain in contact with him? It feels good to remain close to him but hurts and confuses me when he goes out with other women and won't commit to me. If I'm so wonderful, then why doesn't he know that I am the one and marry me?

    Will we ever get back together? What should I do? Thanks

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