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Posts posted by ThePhoenix

  1. ive been in love with this girl for nearly two years and recently we started going out. but the thing is she's one of those girls that never stays attached to any one person, in fact she's so beautiful that she enjoys flirting around with guys she knows likes her. and she was doing this constantly while we were supposed to be in a relationship and i caught wind of it but decided to let it go and trust her a little. she claimed her feelings for me were real but 'not as strong as mine' which also made me uneasy.


    but then she started putting our relationship and me on the backburner, in fact most times when id try and be with her or do something out of my love for her she'd merely dismiss it or say that shes not in the mood or too busy for me. i was starting to feel neglected and unloved. and her lack of commitment and her increasingly flirtatious behaviour with guys began to diminish my trust in her. so we started to have a lot of conflict.


    in the end, i was so frustrated that i gave her an ultimatum to commit to me more or let me go, cos i didnt wanna be played around. things didnt improve and she didnt exactly beg me to stay either.


    now that we're apart im having huge withdrawl symptoms...i cant stop thinkin of her, wanting to be around her, finding out what she's doing etc, etc. ATM, the way i feel is suggesting that im never gonna get over her.

    and she's really kicking me while im down too...shes enjoying her single status cos she gets a lot of guy attention...and when i try to tell her that its a little shallow that guys like her for her looks...she tells me im jealous because 'no one really likes me'...now she's starting to really wave it in my face and i cant stand it because im still having deep feelings for her and she doesnt seem to care.


    what should i do (before i do something stupid that ill regret later - which is what im afraid of ATM)


    PS: sorry for the long post but i had to explain the whole situation

  2. I dont know if i can trust my girlfriend. She keeps saying she loves me and wants to be with me and me only, but yet she wants to keep the fact that we are a couple a secret, even to her ex-b/f's and guys who she knows have huge crushes on her.


    what annoys me is that she gives out her email address to guys she meets and who are clearly hitting on her for her looks. even though they dont love her for who she is like i do, she still chooses to be the object of their affection, even though this act clearly bothers me


    with the limited time she spends with me and the lack of feelings she shows me when we're together, im beginning to lose trust in her feelings for me

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