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Posts posted by journeynow

  1. Phew, I'm grateful I remembered how to log in, found this old journal, got some assistance, and eventually overcame my confusion and figured out how to post with this newer site. Big success for the day. It's late now, though, time to bring in wood for the fire and head to bed.

    First, I'm grateful for the roof over my head, heat for the night, breath, every thing is ok at the moment. Grateful to my younger self who made choices that have brought me happiness. Yeah, Life.

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  2. It's eye opening how friends and family will listen to some restrictions, practice them, condemn others for not doing so, but reject other restrictions vehemently. All the while infections numbers and deaths are surging. I look forward to when this pandemic will all be a distant memory. My parents, now gone, occasionally mentioned living through summers of polio outbreaks and the precautions and worry. It would have been interesting to hear my grandparents' experiences of the 1918 pandemic.

  3. I am grateful that Oxford is close to another vaccine and this one is especially good for the over 60's .... Thankyou to those scientists who have dedicated their lives for a moment like this .


    I am grateful to see you both ( grandy and journey ) you have both made me smile .


    I am grateful , just grateful .........

    Ditto, ditto, ditto.


    pippy, you Sweet, thank you for being you.


    You, too, itsalllgrand.


    And I love both of your screen names!

  4. I am grateful x 3 for the woods around me, the sweet magical woods. It soothes my soul and lifts my spirits; it energizes and relaxes. Sending its healing vibes out to the world and whoever needs its goodness.

  5. Thank you, friends, for your kind words. These past months when things shut down I've felt so lucky to have him with me, he's been my constant companion, and a great one. ❤️


    My state has had a couple of good days with only 1 new case. The tourists have started coming into the state, so we'll see if that has any effect on the numbers. I feel for everyone, even (sometimes) the ones rebelling against the new requirements and rules, it's not an easy time to be human.

  6. Having a rough day, today. My dog died last week, and our weather is stormy, my work chaotic, and I'm feeling discouraged and disconnected from life in general. I know the feeling will pass. I'm grateful for all that is good, but am feeling a bit lost... Socializing feels trickier now that things are opening up and summertime has arrived.

  7. I want to give you big hugs. 


    Thank you itsallgrand. 💗


    Grateful for my sweet pup, he's been the best companion and I love him so much. He is closing in on his time to pass on, and these moments with him are precious. My heart breaks to say goodbye.

  8. Luckily I haven't had to go out much and when I do have been able to do curb-side pick up (except for the post office for my mail). I've made several styles of masks, but find wearing one makes me feel nauseous and anxious. Wearing a bandana cowboy style, with a small knot at the corner under my chin, is more comfortable, so that may be my mask for the foreseeable future, if I have to go out.

  9. Good and bad day.. my grandma passed away earlier, and my daughter was born around 1hour or so before that.. so overwhelmed x


    Big big hugs, ((((Butterfly~Wrists))) Sending buckets of comfort and well-being and reinforcement and joy. Welcome to your daughter! What stories you will tell her. Such a big day.

  10. grateful for...


    -babies I know growing, exploring, happily enthusiastic

    -their parents, loving and supporting and allowing

    -photographs and videos and Facetime and Skype and Zoom

    -beauty shared by friends and family

    -gentle words of kindness and support

    -green moss after the snow has melted

    -sun and blue sky today

  11. Another worker in my area is under suspicion of COVID, getting the test done. I need to work an extra shift tomorrow as a result. Worried.


    Fudgie, can I help from home in some way, either you directly or healthcare workers like you in my area? I work from home, am not going out, but wish to help ease the stress of essential workers. I appreciate you!

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