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Posts posted by LALAhatahmuni

  1. hello, i am getting back to you on messaging. My boyfriend would not take the picture down, so i decided i'd be the big dog. He agreed to reframe the ex's (her name is Sharyn Jean, she is white trash) rose and make it smaller. now mine hangs proudly (and largely) above the mantle. i decided it wasnt' that big of a deal, although, he's a trained photographer and brilliant artist, this made me a little nervous on picture day. in my country (japan), anus anything is very taboo, but i see americans have no problem withanything at all! no shame, i dunno if that means classless or not!

  2. This is just plain weird. The man i've been seeing for the past 2 months just explained what the picture above the mantle in his home is all about. I would never have expected it out of him, and it seems really out of character for this person. The picture is of his ex-girlfriend's anus, up-close, wide-angle. Some camera tricks were done to disguise it to look just like a rose. I am so disgusted. I told him he probably needed to take it down. He refuses and tells me he can make a little one of mine to put next to it. I'm thinking I don't want to see him any more and just because of this. I think it's really just a gross thing and what kind of man does this? His ex-girlfriend's? What should I do?

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