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Posts posted by negs12

  1. Aight basically me and this girl met because we are both friends with this one girl and we exchanged pics...and ive talked to her on the fone and stuff and chilled wit her a lil....shes really cool and i really like her but i feel i might be comin on too strong if i ask if she see's us in a relationship ever...so im havin my friend become friends wit her and talk to her botu me and see what she says? is that way low or do u think its alright or do u have advice on what i should do? becuz this is all gunna happen within the next hour SO PLEASE HELP ME

  2. ok i met this girl at a party and we talked alot and we got to know eachother...we exchanged numbers i called her recently and just flat out told her she was hott...but i mean she is and she told me she thinks im cute...basically i feel shes is lookin for some1 to just mess around with...but ifeel like i want an actual relationship wit this girl..how do i tell her? should i hang out an mess around a lil more wit her and see where it leads?

  3. Aight so me and this girl are really feelin eachother and i think its gunna turn into a relationship soon....im chillin wit her again thursday and i wanna make my move on her....one problem im scared if i dunt kiss good enuf for her she'll just forget about me and go find some1 else....any advice? please gimmie some im desperate here i really like this chik

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