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Posts posted by emp

  1. Dear ex,


    I hope you realise soon, how youve quickly turned into a really sour person, and your rebound is an absolute joke. You found texts to his ex saying she was the one, ive heard from numerous people that he walked her home after going on a night out with her, and how hes constantly talking about her to MY friends. He works in mcdonalds, is a dumb.... , ugly as hell, seriously.


    And the worst thing is you believed the rumours he made up about me planning to go and beat him up with two of my friends? And then he threatons me not once, but three times over it! great catch there.


    You texted me telling me not to dance with anyother girls when i went out, because you were jelous. and that you still liked me, And kissed me when you visited me in hospital...


    You then cried to me on the phone, saying you didnt know what to do, said you were with him because you had no one else, and you only deserved to be second best. Then you said you took all your birth control pills at once, which after telling your mum about it, so i could return to NC without worrying if it was a cry for help, turned out to be bull.


    I just want you to change back to the loving person, you still are deep inside. I know you to well to know when you build up one of your little walls to hide your true feelings behind.


    I miss you everyday, despite all the rubbish, and deceit.

    Please come back

  2. day 2! going well, new start, applying for new jobs, went jogging, going the gym with some mates tomorrow. Shes attempting to contact me, im ignoring. Sly remarks about going jogging : hahahahahaha, and haha your going to the gym. Just making it easier for me to ignore her, obviously pissing her off, not sure why seeing as she left me. She asked me if i was going to ignore her for ever. I didnt reply

  3. I went 3 days NC before she spoke to my bestfriend, said she still liked me, and begged me to ring, She then said she was with him because it was better than being alone, and that she took all her birth control pills at once, i agreed to meet her but she didnt turn up. I tried to go NC again straight away, but decided to tell her mum about the pills, because i didnt want to ignore her if it was actually a plee for help.

    Anyway, i found out that it wasnt true, and her mum knows that her relationship is a rebound.


    So, feeling quiet angry, i asked her why she said it, and that it was the most dispicable thing anyone has ever said to me. Mistake? maybe, but it made me feel better


    Started NC again Saturday night, So day 2 again nearly!

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