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Posts posted by wiley

  1. Its been 2 days since i've taken everything that reminds me of you OUT of my life. You said wanted 'space', but was using it as a cowardly way of ending us.


    I still have no answer but I will get ME back. 2 days and im feeling good now there are no reminders of you. I wish you all the happiness in the world, maybe one day we can be friends again like we started off as, but for now I need to find myself again.

  2. Just had another urge to look at her facebook page but I won't!! It's doing me good knowing that i can look at it any time I want but I'm strong enough not to. I know I could just block her but I know she looks at my profile all the time which may bring her closer as it has pics of me looking good.


    I'm still wondering what she wants as she gave no reason to not wanting to be with me anymore, other than 'I need space'. Which is the worst thing ever as id rather be told out straight that she didn't like me in that way anymore.

  3. Day 3 of no contact after she broke it by sending me a text saying 'I miss you'.... Could have been better if it said 'I miss us' but hey.


    I miss her so much today (sunday) and had a massive urge to send her a message but I was strong and didnt. She doesn't seem to be as happy since we broke up as her facebook status's are not very positive and upbeat like they used to be. Maybe she isnt happy? Maybe I will never know.


    Well i'm going to stay no contact still as each time I do she usually contacts me, so the saying is true, 'you dont know what you got till its gone'.


    Stay strong everyone, it helps alot knowing that millions of other people are also going through the same pain as us.

  4. Day 22 or something?... I was feeling so good until tonight... My sister was telling me about my ex's status on facebook. She told me before I realized that I shouldn't be hearing it.

    She said her status said things like "my bf is the most charming perfect person ever" etc.. As soon as she told me this I instantly felt like crap!!


    Why did I have to listen! I just want to curl up and sleep. Sleep seems to help alot. Just another confirmation that she's never coming back.


    Word of advice people... Don't get too curious to how your ex is doing. It does more harm than good, 2 steps back.

  5. About day 15 I think, still miss her... talking to her... holding her... but feeling stronger than ever. Time really does help.


    Another thing that keeps me at NC is weighing out the odds... eg. If i talk to her.... it will put me back to square 1 and I will gain nothing from it, BUT if i keep at NC its a win win situation. Even though I care about her alot, I don't want to know what shes been up to or how her new relationship is going.


    Silence is bliss... it really is. Need a holiday too! Been thinking somewhere nice like California or something

  6. Been about 2 weeks now, not been getting urges to talk to her at all which is good.


    She called me at work just now and asked me for the name and location of a restaurant we went to which we both liked... What the hell? Why couldnt she have just looked it up or called the 118 directory service?!


    Seems she is doing the same things me and her used to do, with her new BF.


    She is probably just trying to rub it in. Oh well. I don't want to be her friend!

  7. Its about day 10 or 11 I think? Feeling alot better and not thinking about her as much. Even though a work colleague of mine said she came into the place I work with her new BF, I wasn't in that day. After he told me I was a bit upset, but it didn't take me long to cheer up again which was surprising.


    Been putting new relationships on hold for a bit while I sort ME out! Relationships are nice, but I think sometimes they are made out to be something magical when they are not. I think alot of people are just lonely being single and NEED someone with them to make them feel better and not as lonely. I know thats what I wanted.

  8. Wow, I still think (and care, for some reason) about my ex and her guy constantly and I've been NC for 19 days now. In fact, I'm thinking about them right now as I know they are out together


    Im with you on that, I hate the weekends too now as I know he will be with her and his 2 young kids will be there too so it will be like a little family I was planing to give her And it doesn't help that he moved in a month after them meeting! It took me and her about a year to move in together! We chose that place together, decorated it together, and now hes in the bed we once shared. Love sucks!

  9. Well I saw her today. I had to get some money off her. I didn't stay very long and I was talking to our old house mate more than her.


    I don't know why but when I go round there she always makes sure her new BF is there. Or maybe he makes sure he's there.


    I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would after, which i'm quite surprised at! And yes I told her I had met someone new (I haven't) and she asked if she was prettier than her..... Was she trying to get an ego boost?


    I have had so much anger inside me for the past 2 weeks or so, and I don't know why. I think i'm just mad at her for throwing it all away and getting with someone else so soon I think. Back to NC.

  10. Although I understand the impulse of 'wanting to stick it to your ex", I don't think you will benefit from it at all. The one who will get hurt about this is you: do you seriously expect that upon hearing this news, she'll fall over and what you back, so that you can reject her now (i know it happens, but it is quite rare).


    It's much more likely that you are opening yourself up to as situation where she say/ does something that will hurt you even more.


    I see where you are coming from. Its just the times we have spoken she ALWAYS asks if i've got a new girlfriend yet and sounds concerned.


    Im just going through the stage of "anger" I suppose. She ignores my texts being friendly, so I don't care how it might affect her anymore. Ive worn myself out trying with her.

  11. Numero 9! - As each day goes by, the temptation to contact her lessens, which is a good thing I suppose.


    Im starting to get the urge to date again, I know it would been too soon (only 2 months since the break-up) but I think im pretty stable now and I don't want it to be a rebound. Maybe another month or 2 before I should get "out there" again.


    Been sleeping alot better than a few weeks ago! She might try and contact me in 2 days about some money I have to collect, so im just going to tell her to leave it with the neighbour or something to avoid seeing her. There is NO way I want to go back to feeling like crap!

  12. The thing that still upsets me most is... when she ended it, she said these exact words.... "Babe, don't worry, i'm not gonna replace you in a hurry"


    2 Weeks later she got a new BF! I felt so disrespected. I would never jump into a new relationship that quickly no matter what happened, or even say what she said and not meant it.



  13. Day 8.


    Feeling okay today and have been for the last few days. I think I just miss being in a relationship the most, and sharing everything with someone. But I do still think about her every night before I go to sleep and when I wake up. That still sucks!


    I wish she would contact me, I think she has forgot about me or something :sad: she only calls when shes having problems with her new BF.

  14. Day 5


    Im really hungover today so not really concentrating on the fact im in NC! Im feeling ok at the moment, will see if it stays that way. I tried to just not think about the fact it was V day yesterday. Just another day to me. I miss her like mad but i can get through this.


    I just keep thinking there is no point chasing something that isnt going to happen, and even if we did magically get back together i would never trust her again. So I have only one real choice, move on!


    I just hope this is the right choice! Roll on day 6........


    Thats exactly how I feel! If I got back with my EX I would constantly be thinking "when" will she dump me next?...


    And its a good tool to move on I suppose, no point in chasing someone who doesn't feel the same either.

  15. Tomorrow "Valentines Day" is just another day IMO! Nothing different to any other day.


    Yeah me and my ex would spend it together being romantic and stuff, but if im honest, it wasn't really much different to the day before or the day after! Only difference was a few flowers and chocolates.


    Its all hyped up anyway, just another money making scheme.

  16. Day 11.

    Why the hell do I keep torturing myself with this sh!t?! I even fantasise about the exact words we say to each other, down to the smallest details. She won't even give me a single fleeting thought tomorrow. Not one. NOT ONE.


    Just when I thought I had a handle on things...I guess if I can get through tomorrow then I can get through anything!


    Don't worry, we have all been there at some point. I was having similar dreams a few days ago, and it sucks to wake up and realise it was just a dream.


    I know my ex won't bother with me tomorrow.

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