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Posts posted by nyjets1

  1. hi..im 15 years old and i have been giong out with this girl for about 9 months..well was going out because she left me about a month ago. well around the last month of the realtionship we made a huge mistake and we had sex which was completley wrong and unplanned..at the time we werent thinking and swore to each other to nevre tell anyone else. well she got mad at me and we got in a huge fight and her friends took sides witb me and they revealed to me all these horrible things that she had been keeping from me and all these lies, and my gf would never talk to me about sex when i brought it up and would just hang up on me..so i was keeping all of this inside and i couldnt handle it anymore..so i retalliated to what they told me within like 5 secs and told them what i wasnt supposed to tell..after i realized what i had done i made them swear to never tell. but that didnt last long. one of the girls told other people and before i knew it..the whole school knew..everyone is mad at her..and i feel terrible about what i did (telling and sex itself) and i dont know what to do anymore. she told me she can never be friends with me again and she'll never trust me ever again and i was shattered. i know i deserve this but is there anything i can do or some steps that i can take that will help me get her trust back? i think im in love with her..and i know im young but i have really strong feelings for her..and i just dont know what to do. thank you so much to anyone who replies...

  2. hey im 14 yrs old and i have a scar running for the top of my abdomen to my lower abdomen and i have the same exact probelm as you...im scared to take my shirt off and hang out with my friends with their perfect scarless bodies..and i figured that like u just have to get over it..i mean if someone is going to judge you because of a scar you have..thats messed up..because its not our faults that we have scars. im still not completley ocnfident in going swimming or performing activities without my shirt but once people start seeing it..it doesnt become that a big of a deal to people and like they just accept is at part of you and wont even realize it. we aknowledge more than anyone because we've seen it since day one and we see it evryday and it bothers us..but other people dont see them like we do..well good luck.


  3. to the women: my older cousin told me that to get a girl to come back to you you have to make her feel like she isnt overpowering you..meaing that you have to sort of ignore her and not talk to her or call her or anything, and then she will start coming back to you..i was wondering if any part of this is true and if there is anything i could do to make her come back to me..thanks again.

  4. my girlfriend just dumped me after about 10 months that we had been together. i dont know what to do because i was very much in love with her and i dont know how to deal with this because everything was perfect and then she just ended it. she said that her reason was because she says that she wants to be single but at the same time she says that shes doing it because she wants to see other guys which doesnt make sense because thats like an oppostie. please someone give me some advice because i really like and i dont know what to do. thanks

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