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Posts posted by lolpants

  1. OK, maybe I keep thinking about this too often but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone else can help me...


    There's a girl I know, have known her for about 2 years and over the past 12 months, we have become very close.


    Now, SHE rings me most nights and we talk. We talk about everything and anything and we know each other really well.


    Also, SHE suggests we should go out for 'fun trips', like to grab a takeaway or to go see a movie.


    Now, I go along with this, I talk to her, I go to the movies with her and we really get on well and have some fun!


    But, here comes the confusing bit...


    I don't know whether she wants a FRIEND in me or possibly more? A while ago, I think I came on a bit strong and she put me in my place and told me I am her FRIEND and FRIEND only!


    So last week, she gave me this little photo of herself and told me to cherish it and it was for me. Nice. So I put it in my wallet!


    The other day, I decided to 'test the water' again and I told her on the phone that I was showing her photo off at work. She replied with 'i bet you told most of them that i am your girlfriend didn't u?' I said yes to this and she just laughed sweetly and said 'thought so'. So she wasn't angry with me for that but does that mean that she maybe changing her feelings towadrs me? Or not?


    But do people who are JUST friends do things like go to the movies together, talk for ages and ages on the fone?


    So from what I've told you, does she want a FRIEND or should I push harder?


    L x

  2. At last! I've found someone who's in the same situation as me exactly! Thanks niceguy, its good to know there isnt just me in this situation!


    Your description of this girl is alarmingly similar to the girl I like! She's younger than me, we constantly chat and message each other and often go out to places! But she isnt looking for a relationship yet and just wants us to be friends, but insists we are "very good friends"!


    So right now, I'm just playing it cool and letting her call the shots! I let her decide where she wants to go when we go out and I don't push my luck too much any more, i just go with the flow! I keep it friendly and fun! It makes her happy and i see each time we go out as an opportunity for her to like me more!


    I would say just take it as it comes. People often say the best relationships are built on the best friendships...so play it cool mate, be her friend (for now ), have some fun and you never know, you might just achieve your goal in time...

  3. Thanks for the great replies guys - its really helped me to look at things properly!


    I think I'm going to take Devon's advice and just lay off for a while and let her come back to me when she's ready.


    Devon: you were quite correct actually by saying that shes nervous about me trying so hard. Problem was I expressed jealousy over a boy she likes in a sexual way and thats what started all the trouble!


    So I guess I'll let things settle and let her decide what she wants to do!


    Cheers guys

  4. There's a girl who I like. I absolutely adore her and we have known each other for nearly two years.


    The problem is she insists that we can only ever be friends! She told me recently that she doesn't feel any 'spark' for me and that we are simply friends!


    Am I REALLY stuck with this friendship I don't want or is there something maybe that I could try in order to win her over? Surely she can't just write off any future we might have together? SURELY I can try something to get us together?


    She's so special to me, I have met loads of girls but she has something far more unique and I really really would like to make a go of things!


    What do you people reckon?


    L x

  5. OK, I'll condense the story down a bit so you might be able to help me...here goes...


    I have been friends with this girl for about 18 months. Started out at college and since then we have constantly grown closer. Up until 6 months ago she had a boyfriend so I couldnt move in.


    After she split up with boyfriend, I tried to make a move and she said that she just wanted friendship and that she didnt want another boyfriend!


    So we have talked loads and loads since, she calls me most nights and I call her some nights! I know loads about her and she knows loads about me!


    So I settled for friendship but lately she's been strange. She keeps being complimentary, she suggested we go out last week - so we did and had a really good time - and now she has suggested we should go for a meal some time soon!


    Is this a change of heart? She told me that I am priority over other boys that she talks to and that I never need to get jealous of her male friends since they don't compare to how me and her are.


    So has she had a change of heart? Should I make a move? Or should I wait and carry on being friends?


    Advice please people....I really would appreciate it here and I sure need it!


    L x

  6. I have this friend, a girl (I'm a boy) who I've known for about 18 months.


    We started to know each other at college and since I left we still keep in touch! We talk on the fone or by text message about every day! I know loads about her and she she knows loads about me! The problem is she insists that me and her can only be friends!


    So, I don't know what is normal!


    This girl rings me and asks me if I would like to take her shopping, take her out for a meal, take her to various places! So I agree and we have really good fun, she even says she really enjoys herself! But then she gives mixed signals, she does things that lead me to think that she might want to be more than friends, the type of things a girl would do to her boyfriend, not just her friend! The way she acts, talks, dresses etc...


    So I'm wondering what should I do? Does she just want a friendship or is there a chance she's building it to something more? Should I just carry on as we are or make a move?


    I'm kinda stuck here guys


    Please help!


    LP x

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