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Posts posted by tanya0510

  1. I think that the g-spot orgasm and the clitoris orgasm are both so great and so different. The G-spot is a sense of release and comes from deep inside, whereas the clitoris is kind of nervous, high energy, and more of a superficial feeling, almost like your vagina wants to consume something.

    I think this feeling of wanting to consume needs to be followed by the g-spot orgasm to feel really satisfied and have a complete orgasmic experience.

    But I think that they are both very easy to achieve, as well multiple orgasms.

    I have g-spot and clitoris both every night from my guy. If your guy can keep it up for a long period of time, then it will work. I once had 5 orgasms in a row. And 8 orgasms in a night.

    I noticed the best way to have the multiple orgasms are on top, because then you are in control of the sensation.

  2. My boyfriend can tell when my orgasm starts and ends. he once told me it lasts unusually long--about one minute.

    The orgasm starts when she really starts moaning really loud and contracts her abdominals.

    But I disagree about wanting the guy to stay away from her.

    If the guy is touching the clitoris, yes, but if his penis is in her, he should stay as long as he can, that makes her orgasm last really long. I know that I don't want him out until it's completely over. Then he can really get the g-spot.


    When my guy is inside of me, he can tell that I'm having an orgasm because it feels like I'm a hurricane that just hit him. And when it's over, the storm settles.

  3. I'm 27 and dating a man who is 43. When I was in highschool I was attracted to men my age or one year older, but then around 20 yrs I started really becoming attracted to older men. All of my serious/intimate boyfriends were 10 years older than me. I think an older man is just more confident, not as shy to approach a girl. Guys my age are too shy to approach me. I also get along better with older people. I tend to be mature for my age.


    I think that having an age gap in a relationship is kinda kinky and that makes it more sexy. In our society it is considered "wrong" or "naughty" so that taboo makes it even more desirable.


    Does that add some insight?

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