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Posts posted by FallenAngel

  1. well i have a sugestion, go up to her when she is alone and there is no chance of you being looked at and mocked, and tell her how u feel about her and then tell her that u want to be with her or how ever u want to word that. and then if she says yes then ask her go out on a date some time in the near future liek in the week or weekend so that u two can get to know each other more and make sure u call her every day like after school and at night or something liek that because talking on the phone is where high schoolers grow closer to each other. Good Luck if u havnt done it already.

  2. Well, I dont know if anyone will be able to relate to this but....i have had the same boyfriend for about 2 years but last year i meet this awesome guy. Have u ever meet someone and u just know that you and him/her should be with each other? well i had that vibe when i first talked to thia other guy. i knew that he liked me but i couldnt say anything because of my boyfriend, but a few weeks ago me and the other guy started doing more things together and he came on to me and i liked it (you would too ) but i felt guilty so a while after i told my boyfriend and of course he was pissed off and i felt like shit! well, we broke up and i told the other guy, thinking of well maybe me and him could have more time together. well to my surpise he just got together with this other girl! I feel like he never cared and that i was used and he probably doesnt even think about me anymore. well if anyone can help or have a similiar situation to share with me i would love to hear for you. Thanks for reading i know it was long, i had to leave out alot of other details. Thanks again.



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