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Posts posted by venom

  1. my suggestion is that you tune her out completely. speaking from a girls point of view, we all want what we can't have. it's as simple as that. if you keep calling her and putting yourself in her path so that you get feedback from her, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. distance yourself from her and let it go at that - see what she does when you turn the tables on her!

  2. time wounds all heels.


    don't try so hard to get noticed, you'll just end up looking foolish. i am a girl, so i can speak from experience. more than likely there are girls out there that are dying to talk to you but aren't sure whether you are open to any sort of communication.... just be you and it will all work itself out. you definitely do not want to be stuck in one of those "beggars can't be choosers" scenarios and end up worse off then you were before. ie: being with someone who you really don't want to be with and you are with them just to have a girlfriend. when it is right, it will happen.

  3. hello, i am a female with a boyfriend. we have a son together who is 5 months old and we have been together for almost a year and a half. i am extremely unhappy and in a geographical location where i am without friends or family. he has grown up here amd this is where i now obviously state that he does have friends and family in the area. anyways, at one time we were great together - but now just the sound of him breathing makes we want to jump out of my own skin. he physically disgusts me and his personality is that of a social moron. since we have a child together - i am finding it difficult to separate from him... the ties that bind, etc. now, i have been talking to one of his friends on-line (he is in the service, stationed in germany) and he i i jive so well together. he is without saying much more attractive, physically and personally - he has characteristics that i desire in a friend and a partner. yet neither one know that i harbor these feelings towards either one.... well, my bf knows that i am unhappy, yet doesn't do a damn thing to work with me on changing anything. so i am stuck with one i don't care for - wishing to be closer to one in another country and all the while feeling like i'm losing my sanity. can anyone out there offer up some suggestions or words of wisdom to help me through this torture?

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