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Posts posted by GurlE

  1. I am currently in a relationship with a guy that I really care about. We've been together 1 1/2 years. I am now pregnant with his baby. He loves me and would do anything in the world for me. My problem is my feelings for him have become more "friends type" I actually don't think I have ever fallen out of love completely with my ex who is a woman. This is a HUGE problem. I love my boyfriend but not the way he thinks and I can't break up with him...it would devestate him. I also don't know wether my ex really has feelings for me anymore...we are friends but I don't know sometimes it seems she has feelings for me and sometimes it doesnt. I am so confused on what to do here. No matter what I love this baby but I just don't know wether I can live my life with someone I can Live with, rather than someone I can't live without. I get into fights and bite his head off all the time for no reason. I can't help it it's pent up anger. I also don't know wether or not what I still feel for my ex is real even though it should be because we broke up over 3 years ago and I'm still feeling like this. I know most people are going to say "you have to tell your boyfriend blah blah blah" but I really don't think I could bring myself to tell him. I console myself by thinking maybe he'll meet another woman someday(as weird as that sounds) it would free me of having to break his heart. I would do anything for him, he's such a great guy and for a while I thought I really truly was in love with him. He makes me promise I love him all the time and in a way I feel bad because I know it's not the type of love he means. Please help me

  2. I know exactly how you feel, also. It actually took me almost 2 years to get over someone I had dated. I had never had that problem before I was always perfectly fine with breaking up with others but one person I just lost it. I couldn't eat or sleep or do anything. I tried of course to get it off my mind acting like I didnt care, going out with friends, flirting with other people...but as soon as I went home and sat in my room by myself I lost it. It was horrible. See my ex started dating one of my friends. The thing is though I was the one who had broken it off that's why it was so weird that I couldnt get over it. I was in love though. In a way I still am but the good thing is after a little time goes by, the pain will subside. It's completely normal to be jealous of who he's dating as long as it doesnt get into stalking or anything. The point is let yourself heal by itself...that's what I did wrong...I tried to hard to ignore it but of course it didnt go away. I'm not saying stop your life to worry about his but I am saying that if you give yourself time to cry and time to think about everything and don't hold your feelings or your emotions against yourself, it will be much easier to heal yourself. If it's meant to be it will be.

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