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Posts posted by jodders

  1. thanks mate for your opinion. i am really scared of the fact that gayness is coming out. I cant help noticing now all these lesbian things on tv which would not normally be shown. (By the way,i have nothing against lesbians. But I cant stop being a bit spiteful) I know for a fact,i will pull the plug if a 3 way marriage occurs. I do want to tell her how i feel. She is my best friend though.


    I wish i could turn back time!


    thanks anyway for your advice

  2. thank you all so much for your help. I m still thinking about what to do. Its so mind boggling and its like been dragged naked accross hard rusty nails. My head is so full.


    I know i need to move on. I have got any strength left.


    Im trying to think of how i can make this work. If i move to a different country with this girl, maybe my solution is solved.What if i assasinate this other girl? Dont worry,i wont do anything like that. I just want to move on. I dont want to worry about all this the whole summer.


    Can i make this work?

  3. Hello all, I have been looking for a place to spill my story and i m glad i found this place. I am student university and i met my girlfriend who actually lives next door to me in my halls. We had a lot of fun together and i loved spending every minute with her. I realised i was falling in love with her,when she gave me a surprised b-day only 1 week after i met her. I was very touched as no girl has done this for me.


    It all started a week before her birthday when she told me the truth about herself. She said i was her first boyfriend and she loved me very much. Before me,she went to an all girls school which she a very close relationship with this girl. This girl is coming up to celebrate for her birthday and also its gonna be there 1 year thing at the time. I was so sad. I didnt know how to take it. I dont know what worse. To lose out to a bloke? or a girl?


    I really loved my girl so much.She made me so happy and even now when i writing,i still think about her. As i loved her,i went back to my own home so i dont hurt myself when i see them. That weekend,my girl told me dat she told this girl she wanted to break up with her and be with me. I thought i could give my girl another chance.Make things work. I decided that we keep on going.


    Things were going on ok,till around june time. Last month. This girl contacts my girl like once a week on the phone and txts everynite before they go to bed. I try to turn a blind eye. I try to be calm and tell myself they are still friends, that alls.


    Temptation gave in to me and i decided to listen to a phone call outside the room. EVERYNITE,i hear da conversaton in my head. I cant sleep sometimes coz i remember what she said. All the flirting was going on and at eh end of phone call she said she i love you at I was depressed. I was not surprised. I always expected it to happen. I confronted her.She told me she loved two different ppl. I spend all my time with her when im at university with her. We acted like a married couple. When she returns back to her home town, she is closer to that girl.


    I dont know what to do with myself. I love her very much. We text message each other every day. I dont know what i want. I am her only friend at university. We have a house next to each other in September when i move back.


    What should i do ? Every since i been with her, i have nothing against lesbians,but i notice more and more of it around.


    I could do with some advice

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