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Posts posted by woahisme13

  1. Broken


    scarred to the bone

    get me red hot

    and then turn me cold




    alone in my shell

    if i see you again b---h

    i hope its in hell


    punch a hole in the sky. Rip your heart out


    burning with passion

    and paranoid lust

    was it making love

    or did we just f--k?



    blacked out

    locked in my shell

    if i see you again b---h

    i hope its in hell


    punch a hole in the sky. Rip your heart out.

  2. You called me up said you wanted me back, said you changed. You told me I was you're soulmate. Told me that you wanted to start a life with me and that you were excited about it and that you had never wanted that with anyone else before. You told me me you were sorry for the things that had happened before, that you had grown up, you had changed and that you would not run away. That no matter who you date they're never good enough because they aren't me.


    I left my girlfriend of 8 months, quit my job, gave up my cheap rent on a huge house, found a new job, all just to be with you. We were in love, we were excited, we found a sweet place, signed a lease.


    What the hell happened? you call me up and say that you can't do it..... That you can't ever love me as much as I love you, that you have so many tjhings you want to do that don't involve me, that you can't see yourself with me. THat it was all a dream and you had just woke up.


    I don't even know what to think. You gave me no answers. All of this was your idea I didn't call you up. I didn't ask for any of this. It was all you. I should have known from the beggining that this would happen just like the times before.


    I always thought that we'ed end up together eventually. Now I don't know what huts me more the fact that you did this, the actuality that we will never be together, the fact that we can't even be friends again like we were before, or the realization that I will probably take you back in the future and that this is just going to happen again.


    You have some serious commitment issues. You were my best friend. I've never felt so alone in my entire life. Thank you so much for totally f'ing me on this one.


    I just don't get you this was all your idea

  3. Lifting heavy eyes I could see her, halfdressed, throught the cracked door into the hallway. THe smell of tea on the brew, I knew that it would be over soon. Rain drops, exploding on the tin roof above like Vietnamese mortars.I lay half-conscious as the river above drips throught the cracked ceiling. Each drop hitting me with a street fighters rage. DRIP...DRIP...DRIP... THis was better than waking up. Staggering to the kitchen would bring the end faster than the canoon blasts that followed each flash on this dark September day. It shouldn't matter. We'd both know it would end this way. A play is still bad when moved to a different stage, and this town was growing to small for the both of us. Soon we'd be parting ways. Moving out characters to different sets, but still reading the same lines. I'm just glad mine are on my face, and not the bathroom mirrorsitting on the coffee table. I think that I'm just going to sleep and forget this terrible dream.

  4. If I walk will I fall?

    If I try will I fail?

    If I drive will I crash?

    If I sleep will I dream of nightmares?

    If I give will I get?

    If I've loved will I've lost?

    If I live will I die?

    If I speak must I whipser?

    If I laugh will I cry?

    If I listen will I Learn?

    If I smoke will I burn?

    If I play will I lose?

    If there's one must I choose?

    If I dig will I get buried?

    If I steal will I own?

    If I'm there is it home?

    If I speak will I lie?

    If I love must I lose?

    If I live must I die?

  5. You saw this forming

    but never stopped to call a cloud down from the sky.

    like you’ve got the time.

    You do I guess, but I guess you lie.

    It’s a fitting position to be in,

    but I suppose you’ve been there a thousand times before.

    It’s so like me to dredge up the past,

    but I just cant let this one go.

    I wouldn’t wish this on the world,

    or maybe I would `cause I * * * * ing hate this place,

    or at least this town.

    I couldn’t tell you how to find a way out

    except maybe these sleeping pills and a bottle.

    It seems like the perfect ending to this tragedy, don’t you think?

    An epic verse instead of the chorus.

    It wouldn’t matter if you sang along,

    I doubt you even know the words anyway, you’re like that.

    Maybe you can try to lip it and hope to not get caught.

    But trust me, I’m watching you.

  6. I'm hanging pictures on the wall.

    THinking of the girl I met last fall.

    How much pain can one man take.

    Reliving all his past mistakes.


    I see you when you walk by.

    You can't even look me in the eye.

    Cannot even say hi,

    after such a heavy hearted goodbye?


    I see you when you walk past.

    All of the memories that won't last.

    One more scar from my reckless past.

    One more memory I wish I didn't have.

  7. Here I lay

    Still and breathless

    Just like always

    Still I want some more

    Mirrors sideways

    Who cares what's behind

    Just like always

    I'm still your passenger


    Chrome buttons, buckles, and leather surfaces

    These and other lucky witnesses

    Now to calm me take me round again

    don't pull over

    this time won't you please

    drive faster


    roll the windows down

    this cool night air is curious

    let the whole world look in

    who cares who see's what tonight

    roll these misty windows down

    to catch my breath and then

    go and go and go

    just drive me home and back again


    Drop these down and

    put them on me

    nice cool seats there

    to cushion your knees

    now to calm me

    take me to the edge

    don't pull over

    this time won't you please

    drive faster


    rollthe windows down

    this cool night air is curious

    let the whole world look in

    who care's who see's anything

    drop these misty windows down

    to catch my breath again


    I'm still your passenger

  8. Wrap your legs around me to pull deeper in

    This type of lust is the dealiest sin

    Your fiery eyes burn a hole through my soul

    I push and I push, I push but you pull

    The flesh all around me starts to decay

    You say that you love but only know how to hate


    Get up. Get out. It's over again.


    You kiss the devil. You dance in the sky.

    You drift through the day time. You live for the night.

    I get up to leave but you beg me to stay

    You pull me in closer just to push me away.


    Get up. Get out. It's over again.

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