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Chris William

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Posts posted by Chris William

  1. To start out and give a little history of the two of us so you know our past, present and help with the outcome of the future. We both are 28 years old; I am 5 months older William. We both came out publicly to friends and/or family about the same time over 4 years ago. Most of the past few years I have been single, free to go, do and experience whatever I wanted to. William on the other hand has mostly been in committed relationships and has not if you will sew his oats and done some things he is curious about. We met almost 3 years ago, William was in a broken relationship and I had just come out of a violent relationship and neither of us wanted anything for another committed relationship at the time. We started out as friends and both had feeling of more and fought the feelings a lot. Finally we decided we wanted more and began dating pretty seriously. After 3 months we decided we wanted to have a monogamous relationship with each other. The first few months were very good, but we started having normal relationship problems most all starting with money and going deeper. We came through a lot the first 2 years. Know I have realized that over the past few months since we lived together, worked together and socialized together with the same friends we just both fell out of love at the same time, but still loved the other. Sexually we stopped satisfying the other. Not to mention we were introduced to the party drug category and I honestly know that is one of the major problems. To bring you up to date hoping I have disclosed enough to you that truly we both love one another greatly. Over the past few months we would go out and come home and do different things apart and the sex stopped. He started going over to a friends every Sunday after we would get home from partying. Me left at home alone. Well 2 months ago, an old acquaintance stopped by while he had gone to a friend's to lie out by the pool. Well long story short when he came in he walked in on the two of us cleaning up while we had oral and masturbation sex. I told him nothing happened and laid to him scared he would leave me. Two days later he broke it off and said he was leaving. Well, lots of hard words were said but we both are living in the same house still just in separate rooms. The only thing that has changed in the past 6 months is our status and what beds were sleeping in cause sex had already stopped a long time ago. After seeing what I did and hurting him, loosing him and the entire bad outcome has made my love and feeling for him much stronger. And he to will tell you he misses us and still loves me, but since he has never really been single he wants to know what its like to play, have group sex, and just play the field and get curiosity out of the way so 20 years down the road he doesn't regret ever having the experience. This is hard to deal with but I am willing to look past it, allow him to do it and eventually move on once he sees the pasture isn't green on the other side. However one had says to cut my losses and move on and the other says stick it out you know there is something to build on it is just going to take some time and the pain may not get any easier may even get harder, but the thought of never being, seeing or having him again is totally more difficult to even bare the thought. So what I would like to know is should I stay or should I go? I strongly feel more like staying and dealing with the pain and healing, some have said that may even make for a stronger relationship. Please shed some light and if you need more information to fill in some gaps please let me know.

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