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Everything posted by lainOS

  1. sounds like a pretty bitter outlook. and not correct, i dont have a priviledge in the world. and i still know i need to "find myself"
  2. I think finding yourself is ALL of the things mentioned above. I think everyone's opinion is great and not to be contrasted with another's, but to be added together i think to find yourself is to learn what you want in life and to have your opinions, preferences and desires/goals in life, (from small ones to large), based on YOUR intellect, knowledge and discernment of what's best for you and will make you happy. (is that that the right word? discernment?) but that's only the first step, it's not complete until you are BEING yourself. actualizing and living by what you know, acting on and living by what you feel and want. and it takes a certain strength to do that. the strength of independence from others, whether family or lovers or friends. when you NEED others enough to sacrifice your desires for yourself, or your authenticity, to yourself and others, whether it be for approval, acceptance, love, security, you haven't made it yet. yea know i think in just writing this, It's finally became more concrete to me. I've constant asked myself the same question, what is finding yourself, knowing who you are, etc. holy epiphany!
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