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Posts posted by Perrin83

  1. Seriously though... How does that work? I mean, he's got to be consenting if he's erect. The only way I could understand a male being raped would be by another male (which would demand the same respect and action as a woman being raped)... I'm asking because I'm curious from a legal standpoint.




    Stimulation to a penis can cause a physiological response that is stronger that a mental response. The mental response is that they don't want it, but the physiological response sends blood down to do it's thing.


    Unless I'm completely mistaken, vagina's can still get wet through stimulation even if you don't consent.

  2. I understand a lip to cheek kiss, but can not understand lip to lip, or mouth to mouth kiss. The idea of someone else's saliva, that gooey sticky Amalyse chemical foreign substance going in my mouth, sounds like a scary prospect. I wouldn't use a fork inserted into a stranger's mouth, why would anyone take a risk on this type of stuff.


    Amalyse, breaks down charbohydrates into sugar, and contains backteria and viruses. A lip to cheek kiss is much safer and you just have to worry about make-up going on your lips.


    Amalyse is an enzyme..it does not contain bacteria or viruses. The saliva does. And believe me, it's nothing to worry about. Just make sure your partner doesn't have any open sores outside their mouth, like on their lips, you know? Sores inside the mouth are generally considered cancre sores and are not transmittable.

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