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Posts posted by Brokenhearted87

  1. Today is day 3. I never make it past day three, which is very aggravating!!! It's weird, I can make it day 1,day 2, quite easily, then BAM day 3 I am aching to contact him. However I have decided,no, after all he said and all these promises of close friendship with me blah blah blah, he can bloody well initiate it. I will maybe make a post later about why I am annoyed with him over something quite significant, however, he has hurt me so much and treated me so coldly that I'm pissed at doing things on his terms, so he can believe me or not, I'm not being humiliated any further.


    I love him and miss him so much.

  2. Sob....this would actually have only been his first one with me haha. Oh well. Yeah, the only thing getting me through today without texting him is the thought that he will be very aware of my absense today and I like to think missing me. Though I'm probably fooling myself! I know I'll feel better if I go to bed having NOT contacted him and LET him feel my NC on his bday, rather than contact him and get a formal "thanks" back.

  3. Well it's 10.05pm here and in about 5 minutes it will be 48 hours NC. And I feel absolutely dreadful. Really hurt and upset that he hasn't been in touch with me. Constantly wondering why....is he thinking of me....does he even miss me or is it out of sight out of mind? When will he be in touch? Really missing him tonight. My reserve is weakening.

  4. I'm not going to commit to a long period of no contact, because the circumstances of my break up/break (whatever the heck it is at this point) are weird, but I NEED to try and go for a few days here and there without talking to him....because I am hating being the one to always text first etc and constantly checking my phone (for a text that is only going to be friendly) is turning me into a nervous wreck and I know I'm not healthy right now. So I need to at least see that he means what he says and gets in touch with ME. Supposed to see him on Friday for his birthday though.

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