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Posts posted by abnyc

  1. i can't believe I ran into you on friday night and you couldn't even LOOK UP. you stared at the ground and didn't have the balls to even look at me. I am so angry and am barely dealing with how much a jerk you are. you gave up on us and never tried and I am in SO MUCH PAIN. 3 weeks I've made it without contacting you and I'm proud of myself because i didn't think i could go 3 days. But you can't even say HELLO? what a loser.

  2. dear a,


    i really thought we were going to work things out. i know you are at one of the lowest points of your life - but the fact you have just dropped me and have refused and avoided any conversation to talk about what the hell happened really hurts. i wish you could have given me the respect to say that you can't be in this anymore - not just send me random emails like nothing has happened. we haven't hung out in almost a month and it hurts when you email me and talk about all the things going on in your life - and you cant even find 20 mins to have a cup of coffee w me. this was our second time around and i didn't think you would do me this way - discard me with no reason and no chance for a talk.


    i want to believe that you just are that depressed and can't deal with being in a realtinoship and that things will get better and one day you'll call and apologize and attempt to win me back, but i realize with every passing day that those chances are slim to none. i guess i'll have to get over seeing you around the holidays with our mutual friends and pretend this summer never happened at all. it's a shame, because you made me so happy.

  3. I'm starting NC today! Things were going slowly but well, then the last week he said he was very depressed and wasn't leaving the house or talking on the phone (I know this is true). But i wrote him an email today that said that I needed him to give me SOMETHING. even if it was a quick phone call or meet for coffee. And that he was blowing it with me (his term).


    I haven't heard back so i guess my only option is NC correct? I said my peace via email, it wasnt' mean it was just that i deserve someone who wants to spend time with me, and that I want it to be him, but he has to meet me somewhere near halfway.


    I hate NC but i know its the only thing that works. If he's done with me there's nothing i can say that will change that.

  4. hey question. I am on day 5, but he IM'ed me today without any initiation, I was polite and wrote back after 10 mins, then said i had to run into a meeting. Does that mean my NC is over? I didn't contact him and since i never announced NC and we have been LC for 6 weeks before this, did i blow it?


    I would usually talk his head off, but i was nice and cut it short. thoughts? I'm still not going to initiate anything.

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