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Posts posted by JeffreyS

  1. I'd start by realizing you'll both be nervous and nothing new is (or has to be) perfect. I'd hold her hand, and just begin with some regular kissing. If you both get into it and it's romantic, take it further - use your tongue and move to open-mouth kissing...just take it slowly, don't press too hard or be too slobbery, and see what works for you both. Have fun!

  2. ...good points! I actually have had very similar thoughts, but wanted other perspectives too. Truthfully, this new friend and I are really meant to be friends (and we are enjoying our new friendship very much - he's a great person, and my partner likes him too) and noting more, so I'll enjoy my little feelings for what they are...infatuation...and, as it has in the past in similar situations, I'm sure that the infatuation will decrease and things will settle down.

  3. Hello! Hoping to get some advice here. I'm currently in a 5+ year committed relationship with a person I care very much about and am quite happy with. However, through a mutual friend of my partner and I, I recently met someone new. We hit it off immediately, and I thought we were on the road to a nice new friendship. We've exchanged e-mails and gotten together - none of it secretly or anything - but just as friends (I think). BUT...I find myself thinking more and more about this person, even in terms of a possible romantic relationship. I am very attracted to him and we have a lot of things in common. I have no idea how this other person feels though since they are pretty shy about this type of thing...and since they know I'm married may be reluctant to express any feelings of their own. I have no intention of having an affair, but I can't help but think of the relationship possibilities with this other person - who, by all accounts, is very similar physically and in other ways to my current partner (though, in some ways different too - in minor but positive ways that I find appealing). Do you think I'm just infatuated and it will pass? I've known this other person about a month. Do you think this signals something else on my part? I don't want to hurt my partner, risk our life toegther, or make a fool out of myself - yet I can't stop thinking about my new friend as more than a friend. Help!

  4. Hello! Hoping to get some advice here. I'm currently in a 5+ year committed relationship with a person I care very much about and am quite happy with. However, through a mutual friend of my partner and I, I recently met someone new. We hit it off immediately, and I thought we were on the road to a nice new friendship. We've exchanged e-mails and gotten together - none of it secretly or anything - but just as friends (I think). BUT...I find myself thinking more and more about this person, even in terms of a possible romantic relationship. I am very attracted to him and we have a lot of things in common. I have no idea how this other person feels though since they are pretty shy about this type of thing...and since they know I'm married may be reluctant to express any feelings of their own. I have no intention of having an affair, but I can't help but think of the relationship possibilities with this other person - who, by all accounts, is very similar physically and in other ways to my current partner (though, in some ways different too - in minor but positive ways that I find appealing). Do you think I'm just infatuated and it will pass? I've known this other person about a month. Do you think this signals something else on my part? I don't want to hurt my partner, risk our life toegther, or make a fool out of myself - yet I can't stop thinking about my new friend as more than a friend. Help!

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