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Posts posted by CrazyInTemptation

  1. This friend of mine who I am really close to, has told me times and times again that he's straight, i must admit i have VERY strong feelings for him. In time i guess i could say it would be love. But many people say he's gay, they claim that he himself with never come out, he's never told them he was gay, these people dont even have any evidence of it. some say because he's a teacher and he teaches high school, that he makes the "straight" thing out as a front. He has many gay friends from time to time hangs out at the gay clubs, but who doesn't. I know tons of striaght people with gay friends i myself hang out at the gay clubs. But i just dont know for sure, what are some of the sighns that a person is hidding there true sexuality? are all these other people wrong and just sterotyping? what doyou think/?

  2. Truth of the matter is...there's a certain situation that doesn't inable us to be together, maybe for another 2 years. If anyone is really wanting to know I'd be glad writing it in a private message. But yes you are right, he sent me flowers and I cried, I have feelings for him. I've also always agreed with the whole " you meet people for a reason". Do you think it'd possible for a person to feel this passionate about someone, if the other person doesn't feel that same way about them?

  3. How can someone have REALLY strong feelings for a person? I've known this person for you can say a year now, the first time I saw him I was very much attracted to his looks. As I began to know him as a person his personality capitivated me. Yes I've aruged with him, I don't always see him eye to eye, and I don't hang on every word he says. He's older then I am, been through collage already has lived his life. But for some reason or another I'm very much....I can't say in love, because that should be a mutual feeling but I see who he is and I just get this feeling in me. When he talks to me I just talk like if nothing but through my eyes I'm saying that I can't breath because I'm so capitated by him. I NO WHERE NEAR A HOPELESS ROMANTIC... I'm very independent and always find faults in everyone. For example I can't act upon these feelings for another 2 years. But I once didn't see him for 3 weeks and one day I had an important event and there were flowers sent from him...I sat there and cried, I had missed him so much..I saw him afterwards talked for about half an hour and then I had to leave. I just get this feeling,I don't quite understand what to do...

  4. Sweetness your frecking me out!!!!

    sorry honey....No accually this story does sound like some kind of sick perversion about a student and a teacher. But the truth is simple is not the type of man to "want a piece of ass". He's a very good friend, it's society with the dirty minds thinking the absoulte worst!!! NO it is not just a one way kinda of thing, he flirts too, but i mean it's not like where going to bone on his desk. it's an innocent intrest, i'm just very fond of that man he's very tempting and ADDICTIVE....

  5. My teacher isn't 50 and is isn't MARRIED, he is very much single and berly over 30. He is a wounderful man, many of us fancy him(the females and the males) it sounds rather odd, but it's the truth. He's our teacher but manages to be more of a friend. We as a class spend a lot of time together, because of some projects we are commited to. He doesn't teach english or math, for personal reasons I wont mention what he teaches. His carrier is something I myself would like to take up when I'm older.

    He's a good man, not a pervet or anything just a trust worthy friend that you can tell anything to. I once asked him what he would do if something happened between him and a student and he might get in trouble with his current job."he replyed that he plans to leave in a while so it wouldn't matter". I'm pretty sure he knows that I fancy him, people have told him, I've joked around about it but it was never something to worry about. In the near future I a sure you that we will some how be romanticaly connected. I don't see anything wrong with it because his job is to "teach" doesn't make him untoucable, realistically enough "teachers" have feelings too. I think too many people make it some thing as terrible to "fall for a student". LOve has no age,color,or gender. As long as they are both happy it souldn't matter who dates who, or who you fall in love with. But then again you can call me a crazyed maniac because i'm VERY MUCH OBSESSED WITH HIM........................and anyone who gets near him, and anyone he finds interest in will suffer great emotional and physical damages...................it's not a threat it's in fact a PROMISE!

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