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Posts posted by TtrogtT

  1. ive recently been talking to my friend alot more, the last two weeks we have been talking every night on the phone for atleast two hours a night. i want to let her know how i feel but i don't want to ruin a friendship. about 3 months ago she knew i liked her, but she let me know that she wanted to be just friends. back then she was still dealing with a breakup. right now she still is kind of dealing with it but it has gotten much better and she is starting to forget him. but like i said we have recently been getting closer. we have the same friends and hang out in the same group almost every week, and last week it was only me and her and we just hung out at the mall, she didn't seem like she had a problem with it. im just wondering what i should do.....should i just lay low and keep this going on for a while, or should i let her know how i feel...

  2. i asked this girl out today, she gave me her number without me asking a couple days ago, i told her we'd go to a really nice resturant and movies after that. she said yes and i was so happy. The problem is she doesn't talk that much to me. i mean does she even like me at all?? if she wants to do all this wouldn't she like me? i was talkin to her on the phone and the convo went nowhere. i tried talking to her but it's so hard and she gives me a couple word responses.

  3. i asked this girl out on sun but i dunno where to go. the only time i have free is after work, and i get off around 5-6. should i take her out to dinner and then do other stuff after that or is dinner to much for a second date. the first one really wasn't a date becuase her bro was with us,but i dunno if i should we should go out for dinner. also how can i tell if she likes me....if she said she does wanna go out with me does that mean anything...in addition to that she gave me her cell without me asking so i dunno.any advice would be helpful

  4. i met this girl at my church and she is really really shy....i was going to hang out with her brother and since i was too much of a wussy to ask her out alone i asked her to come with us. i really think she likes me but...i was wondering if i should give her a present yet. i went to taiwan and got this little rock thingy, like she's a tiger and im an ox, and it has the clay figures of them sitting next to each other on a.rock it looks really cute but i have no idea if it is to soon to give her something since we've only gone out once and talked a lil bit...but like i said im pretty sure she likes me.....any advice would really help

  5. I asked this girl out last sun..we didn't even talk that much, but im like do you want to go see a movie on fri, to my surprise she said sure. Shes really shy so she doesn't talk alot. like i said i originally asked her to the movies but does any body have any better ideas? like should i take her out to dinner then movies, or hang out at the mall then go to the movies? Since this is a first date and i don't really think she knows i like he yet should i pay for everything?

  6. like i said before theres this girl at my church..i finally worked up the courage to talk to her and stuff, but she doesn't talk at all. it's like a couple sentance conversations. but i asked her to the movies with her bro and she said sure. i was just wondering what i should do to get her to talk. also this girl goes to an all girls school and has no guy friends so i think that might have something to do with the fact that she doesn't talk much. any advice would be really helpful


    ....but the only adivce i got was that try to find out what she likes


    how would i know if she is interested at all in me...i don't know any of her friends becuase she doesn't talk with ppl at church i need help?!?!

  7. theres this girl at my church..i finally worked up the courage to talk to her and stuff, but she doesn't talk at all. it's like a couple sentance conversations. but i asked her to the movies with her bro and she said sure. i was just wondering what i should do to get her to talk. also this girl goes to an all girls school and has no guy friends so i think that might have something to do with the fact that she doesn't talk much. any advice would be really helpful

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