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Posts posted by mcfcrule_18

  1. Thnka you very much for the reply. I really appreciate it. I just think she wud do something tho n id get blamed for it all. I dont like her anymore n i dred talking to her everyday. Its horrible, n she wont just let it b over just like that, she wud keep tryng to get back with me for weeks and i really do not know what to do?

  2. i think it is yes, she plans things like years in advance. She thinks that she has a remote control for me and wen she pushes different buttons then i do wot she sez. i dont know why this happened i normally stand up for myself, i just need some help to get out of this situation. It keeps me down, i think i go through states of depression but yet i still keep a smiling face on the outside to everyone else so they wouldnt know wot is going on inside. Thank you very much 'Kitty' i really appreciate this

  3. Hi, well, ive been with this girl for just over a year now, the past 6-8 months have been hell,we are both 16. I dont know wot to do, she completely rules my life everything i do, she says i cant do this with my family and i cant go away on holiday with them. The thing is, i told her i wasnt going away and everything was ok, but wen my mum n dad come home today they told me i that we are goin to france in 9 days. I dont know wot i can do, she says she will top herself if something doesnt go her own way, and the thing is i think she would do it. Wot should i do? tell my mum n dad im nbot goin away with them to try and keep her happy or try and end it with or without my mum and dads help? please cna someone help. It sounds alot more complicated than it really is. Thank u very much

  4. Hi,


    i cant say i know how you are feeling because i dont and i really hope i never will. I think you should listen to 'pcardoso', you need to take your mind off him, do some hobbies, he'll come around when he is ready. Also i think the answers to your questions are in your daughter, try to consider what she thinks and what she wants. It will be hurting her growing up knowing that her mother is depressed and is waiting for this 'guy' to make another impression in both of your lives.


    Try and do what is right for you and your daughter, then the rest will 'hopefully' fall into place.


    P.S. Sorry if the advice is no good

  5. Hi, it sounds like you have a really problem. If i was you i think you should go and see a doctor and see if anything can be done on the nhs, i.e. abortion or abortion pills if you dont want the baby. I would tell the father and see wot he has to say.


    Here if you need to talk, email removed

  6. If i were oyu i wouldnt have a gf, i think they are alot of hard work n are complete head fcuk's. But if you really want her, try acting normal as if nothing has happened or try and make her jelous in some way, like being with another girl etc


    P.S. Sorry if its not good advice

  7. thank youvery much kddmsu. This is really helping, its just putting theory into practise. Its gonna b hard, i may aswell just runaway n get away from it all, thats th eonly thing i feel i can do. The worst thing i eva did was was get involved with her, shes evil and she is killing me mentally. Thank u very much, i really appreciate it.

  8. thank you very much doblersdream. Talking to her mum would be really difficult thought wudnt it? i would be scared of what her mum would do to me or the trouble she would cause with my family, she is an only child so i could only really tell her mum. What do you think i should tell her mum? thank you very much

  9. Thank you doblersdream. I have tried getting friends involved with us but she is so persistent on just me and her going out, i dont have friends anymore, she wont let me go out with them, she doesnt live near me so we talk on the fone alot and she think i shud talk to her all the time. She stops me from doing stuff with my family and everything, im only 16 and i neeed to get out of this situation. It really eating away at me

  10. please can anyone help. i have been seeing this girl for nearly a year now and i have tried so many times to break up with her. Its impossible, she says she will kill herself and says that i was just using her. Pl ease can anyone help nad give me some advice, Thank u.



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