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Posts posted by neo91071

  1. Thought i would post this, with a website for all in the same boat.

    Iam from the uk. Male, married for 12yrs. 2 children. Wife now left, leaving me and the children to pick up the pieces. She has requested a divorce and this was a big shock. But although it's only been a month or so since she has left, I feel i am coping quite well. I have the bad days but don;t we all. It's just a message to anyone else going through what i am going through that in time, your situation will get better and it will make you stronger. Talking helps, so saying all this here is doing me the world of good. Legal stuff can be found at link removed. Lots of help regarding break ups etc. Take it easy. Lee.

  2. Quite complicated, but boils down to lack of trust, her constant going out and spending time with a neighbour weekends, no communication etc.

    Constant lies and more lies from her. I could go on.

    But the relationship has broken down, so i could do with advice on how to get through the way im feeling at the moment. Cheers buddy.

  3. Although we are in different situations, i can tell how you feel. My wife left home 2 weeks ago, and this has left a great big hole in my life. I am looking after my 2 boys at home, but it's very difficult. I know how it hurts that someone you love has gone. I feel the same. I can't explain it, apart from feeling depressed, and an aching feeling with nausia. Like a heaviness in my chest that i can't shift. Lee XXX

  4. Hi, my names lee. Don't normally use forums but here goes. I'am from the uk. Married for 12yrs, 2 boys. My partner left the home a few weeks ago. She has not currently returned. Anxiety, depression, sadness fills my life at the moment. If anyone else has experienced anything like me and got through it, i would be grateful if they could give me any advice. I have not yet seen anyone to talk about it. Thank you in anticipation. Lee

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