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Posts posted by Branden

  1. Well, on wensday she asked my friend to ask her friend in NYC to the dance for her, right in front of me. then that night online, i asked my friends if i should go to the last school dance. They said i should so i said ok. then i changed my mind and told my love i decided not to go. well, yesterday, online, i changed my mind, and asked her to go to the dance, but she was going to the mall. well, she was going to the dance till i said i was not going. so, anymore help?

  2. Hey, well one my best friends is a girl. I luv her, but she says I am a good friend to her. Well, her best friend in New York City, says that she talks about me ALOT. Well, dont know what to do. Also she says that she cares about me and all that stuff, but she says she only thinks of me as a friend. Well, yesterday my friend was going to say something about me, but i asked him to go in to the hall with me for a sec, and well when we came back. After we came back, she passed a note to the friend I took out in to the hall, and well, said "WHAT DID HE SAY ABOUT ME???" then my friend said "NOTING!" then she said, "YES HE DID, KNOW WHAT DID HE SAY ABOUT ME?!?!!?" and well, i am really confused. And when i asked her what she considered me as, it took her a while to respond, but she said she thought of me as a friend that she deeply cared about..and well, talking a while to respond is is a sign of lying............CAN ANYONE HELP ME????

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