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Posts posted by deleted-account

  1. this is my final post in this section of the site. It took me 7 months, but I'm finally over my ex. A few weeks ago something in my head just clicked and I was free. No part of me wants to be with her anymore. Sure, it would have been nice if it worked, but it didn't and I've accepted that. Many failed attempts at NC, but they all helped me heal. I learned something new every time. No matter what happens between us and our ex's, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  2. So I jumped off the wagon today... made it 5 weeks. I sent her a short email that basically said I was thinking about her and hoped that everything with grad school was going good for her. A few hours later she responded nicely but I think it was just out of courtesy.


    I'm not sure what I want to do from this point. I'm thinking LC where if she contacts me I will respond but I don't want to be the one to contact her.


    I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed at the short response, but I'm not devastated or anything. I re-opened the doors of communication... if she's interested then she will keep them open.

  3. I've come to the conclusion, I can't do NC for more 2 days.... I try, but I fail so bad. I'm too deeply in love and miss him far too much. He told me today he doesn't want NC when I asked. It's just so tough!!


    Much respect for those who can do it.


    I'd suggest starting with smaller goals. Set a goal for yourself to go 3 days NC and stick to it no matter how hard it is. It much easier to tell yourself to hold off for 1 more day. Every time you fail, set a goal to make it 1 day longer than you did before.

  4. So I almost contacted my ex today. She's been on my mind all morning and I want to see if anything has changed in the past month.


    I hate that I can always find a way to convince myself that it's ok to contact her. I tell myself worst case she denies me again and it gives me the strength to go NC for another month or so.


    I won't do it though. I need to move on and contacting her won't help at this point. Grrrrrrrrr

  5. congrats gatorclaws...really.


    just wondering... is it best i block him and delete him from msn? just so keep his curiosity... also to help myself?


    Thank You!


    I use AIM so I'm not sure of the differences with msn. Depending on where you are at emotionally it might be best to block/delete him. Is he trying to contact you?


    I blocked my ex for most of november and december, but eventually unblocked her. The reason I did it in the first place was because I found myself checking her away message several times a day and it wasn't healthy. After a while when I got stronger, I unblocked her. My thinking was that leaving her blocked was giving her power and showing that I was weak. Of course, the day I unblocked her she started messaging me so it does peak their interest. However, do what you need to heal. Don't make a game out of it and try to get a reaction out of him.

  6. I'm feeling a greater connection with who I am. Lately I've found that whenever I watch a serious movie I tear up and cry a little bit.... and I like it. Because of everything I've been through, I feel a much stronger connection with movie characters and feel their pain. I never used to get so emotionally involved with movies.


    The movie I watched tonight was Reign Over Me. Very good movie.

  7. I might of screwed up this weekend. My ex is still in college and I went back there to visit some friends. I thought I was strong enough to handle it but I broke down bigtime today. Everything up there reminded me of her. I had to leave and come home today instead of tomorrow like I planned because I was feeling down.


    However I did keep NC. Part of the reason I left is because I was worried I might try to contact her or go see her if I stayed another night and was drinking. Hopefully tomorrow I'll go back to being as strong as I've been the past few weeks.


    On a positive note, I have a date for drinks/appetizers with a nice girl this week. I'm pretty excited about it.

  8. Samantha, you're doing great at the NC... keep it up. Your ex contacting you shows you that she has been thinking about you all week, so don't worry about that.


    By ignoring her you are not playing games, you are putting yourself first. It would be playing games if you pretended like you could be friends with her. She will contact you again... right now is too soon to get back in contact.

  9. I was organizing some things on my computer and ended up going through some old pictures of my ex and I was a little surprised. I found myself not feeling as attracted to her anymore. Maybe I'm finally taking her off this pedestal. I mean, I still love the girl like crazy and even though she does look great, the physical attraction just wasn't as strong as it used to be. I've felt a little weak at times, but I'm still going strong with the NC

  10. Ugh... I told myself for the new year I wasn't going to contact my ex anymore. We started talking before Christmas and she said she was just being friendly and I told her that I wanted more than friendly so we stopped talking. We then exchanged quick Christmas texts and then no contact until new years


    On new years I went a little overboard texting her how much I missed her and that I still love her. Bad move on my part I know but I got drunk and couldn't control myself. I figured I wouldn't hear back from her after that. Then on the 2nd she finally texts me saying happy new years and jokingly asks if i survived the drinking. She knows I want to be together and talking to me will only give false hope, but she does anyway. It's so frustrating. I've been tempted to contact her all day but I've been staying strong.

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