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Posts posted by bella2007

  1. I agree you HAVE to make the first move. I know its hard but start small...try by asking her what time it is and/or how was her weekend...then work your way up to bigger quetions...asking if you know if someone (any person you both know) is in work today or if you know if she/they are going to happy hour on Friday night, etc. if you don't work in the same building...then try to meet her where she has lunch, accidentally of course


    Its hard when they are this shy and avoiding you, its difficult for you i know and frustratting but if she is worth it...go for it!!!!!



    Please stop it ladies - this whole thread is driving me NUTS to think there are women like me - wanting sex every few days.


    Of course my wife is a strict once-per-week type, but NEVER during her period (which seems to happen every 2 week).


    Damn - it has been since Tuesday and I am going nuts but I made a pass yesterday and she was like "but we just HAD sex the other day!"


    Tonight when the kids are in bed I will interrupt whatever the hell she is doing and tell her confidently




    "5 minute warning. Then off with our clothes!"





    looooooooooool =D>

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