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Posts posted by William1892

  1. This weekend we both spent alot of time with the kids. She was able to get out of the house a few times. (Though, I wasnt able to leave the house all weekend).


    I don't mind sometimes, as it makes gives me more time with my kids. Lately my son has been developing more of a liking to my presense. "Daddy daddy daddy daddy!!" And comes running my way. He can't say "mommy" very well, it makes my wife nuts.


    I kept my distance, physically, from my wife. Though, I was right next to her most of the time. I didnt open my big mouth, I was very responsive and let her call the shots. I under stand she's been stressed, and me staying home with the kids is my way of trying to let her get out and around and not feel so trapped.


    Im hoping her comments were only a attention-getter, in spite of the argument we had last week. I will keep cool, and have more patience with her. I did suggest we spent more time together. Her response was- she'd rather spend time out with her sisters, they're more fun than I am.

  2. My wife gets by through talking to her sisters most of the day on the phone. She does manage to take the kids out somewhere, either to the store, or to visit her family, almost everyday.


    Me on the other hand, by the time I get home have 2 hours before I have to go back to sleep and do it again the next day.


    I do take my son to the park whenever the weather permits on the weekends, but my daughter is 7 months old and can't play, and most of the time I am chasing my son (as he likes to run very far in one direction and never stop)

  3. Yesterday, while having a small argument with my wife, she told me she doesnt love me anymore. Not a big deal at first, as she has half-jokingly has said this me in the past. However, I think I should take this oportunity to really think about it this time, and not blow the comment off.


    We've been togther for 8 years, and married for 2 1/2. We have 2 young kids, daughter 7 months, son 18 months. They're very close together, so we are very busy with the two of them. (were both in our very early twenties)


    Im gone 13 hours a day at work, and she stays at home and wrestles with the 2 munchkins all day. Im not sure who's job is easier, I know how stressing it can be with my 2 children, I certianly appreciate what she does. Were both very busy and its stressfull at times.


    Our family is great, we love our two small children very much. I know our family life will continue to be good, as niether me nor my wife would ever concider leaving. However, I dont want a "business" relationship with my wife. I really do love her very much. We have no time for ourselves individually, let-alone alone together as a couple. The time we do get on weekends and when the kids are sleeping and napping, we fight over as to who gets to leave the house.. And I think its situations similar to this that makes us both resent each other.


    I'd like to fix some of the things that are wrong with our relationship. Maybe my wife will "love" me again. She has no desire for me. Her romantic interests in me seem to be null. We get by together through our children and seem somewhat happy, family outtings, trips to the mall and TV time in the front room. (I mean, our kids are more important than our romantic and personal relationships with each other)


    When the weekend does come and I am able to be home more and help out more, it seems my presense becomes an annoyance to my wife. Vacation from work is worse- I get to stay home all week and help out, we usually end up snickering at each other the my entire week off.When I think about it, I am starting to really think she really doesnt love me anymore.


    I just want to save our romantic relationship, if at all possible, if there even is anything left to be saved.


    Any advise is appreciated.

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