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Posts posted by HappyAsALark

  1. My beautician showed me how to use wax properly..

    I used to have the same problem with my eyebrows and my bikini line, with not getting all the hair and very red and swelling and light bruising and bleeding. She came over to my home and showed me how with my at home product which is also Nads and it worked perfectly for her. Now with her advice I get it right every time. It really is everything Eleonora said, mainly the part about applying and very thin layer of wax to the skin.

  2. Aren't people some-what worried about posting their work over the internet. I found that when i post my poetry online (mostly over Myspace) that in the end people have been copy&pasting my work and showing it up as their own!



    I am a photographer now, not a photoshop queen, but an actual photographer and what I have learned to do with ANY of my work I put on the internet is to image something in the background of it, like your name or something of that nature. Then when they copy and paste it, it shows up.

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