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Posts posted by I_Dont_Have_A_Clue1607306442

  1. Thanks for that, both of you. I reckon the best idea you came up with was chucking out the parent, and getting a few movies in.


    JohnDoe's advice on the physical side of things was what I was hoping to hear, as that's what I was going to do anyway.


    Thanks again.


    - _

  2. Sounds like things your end are in a pretty sorry state at the minute.


    Personally, I'd get in actual contact with the grandmother, make her sit down, and talk through what it is that she feels your mother has done to deserve the treatment she gets, and so on.


    It is also very important that you don't forget to take care of yourself during all this. If you don't, you will find yourself spiralling into the abyss without being able to pull yourself out.


    Hope I helped just a little bit.


    - We'll always be here for you. Remember that.

  3. I'm a pretty shy guy around girls. Recently I had to ask someone out for the first time, so that I didn't go insane (she was all I could think of!).


    I find that it's a lot easier rather than talk to her face-to-face, to put your feelings into writing, whether it be email, post or SMS text message. this way if everything goes wrong, (which it probably won't), you're not going to be left standing there unsure of what to do. Admittedly the reply takes a little longer, but for me (I sent email) it worked just how I wanted it to. Now I need my post answering about what to do next.

  4. Hello people...


    My first post, and I'd just like to send my appreciation out to all those who take the time to listen to other peoples' problems and worries.


    My problems are as follows:

    I'm now 16 and haven't ever had a girlfriend before .

    Now the situation has arisen that in the next couple of days or so I'll be going out with a girl who I have liked for a while. (The hardest thing I've probably ever done is asking her out).

    However, I'm really indecisive and can't decide where to take her. My first thought was the cinema, but upon closer inspection we discovered that all the films currently showing are hopeless.

    Neither of us are too enthusiastic about food, nor are we athletic people. I just need some suggestions as to something we could do together...


    My second worry is this... Having never had a girlfriend before, I don't know when I should make physical contact with her, or when or even how to kiss her, if that's what I should do...


    Really need you guys to help. Worried mindless.



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