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Red Fox

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Posts posted by Red Fox

  1. Wow there are some really cool pictures here. I liked looking through this thread. Here's one of mine. I don't have any photography skills I just point and hope for the best! I am lucky to live in an amazing place and have been to other great places too, which helps make up for my lack of camera skills.


    image removed

  2. There have been ZERO deaths attributed directly to smoking weed...., no cancer patients from long term use.


    I don't think you can say that at all. You can't say smoking cannabis is not harmful. Scientists are still learning about the effects of cannabis thereforeeee you can't say it is safe. What IS known about cannabis is this:


    *"Cannabis smoke contains the same cancer causing substances (carcinogens) as tobacco - at least 50 of them."


    *One of the carcinogens in cannabis smoke is benzyprene. "Benzyprene is in the tar of both tobacco and cannabis cigarettes. We know that benzyprene causes cancer. It alters a gene called p53, which is a tumour suppressor gene. We know that 3 out of 4 lung cancers (75%) are linked to this gene. The p53 gene is also linked to many other cancers."


    *"Cannabis also contains a substance called THC (tetrahydrocanabinol).... Researchers have shown that THC causes benzpyrene to promote the p53 gene to alter."


    *"Substances in tar cause cancer. Cannabis cigarettes don’t have a filter, so more of the tar reaches the lungs."


    *"Several research studies have shown a link between cannabis and cancer. But other studies have shown no link. This makes it difficult to say exactly what the risk is."


    *"We do know that, like tobacco, cannabis contains cancer causing substances. thereforeeee it would seem likely to increase cancer risk."


    Information above is taken from the Cancer Research UK site.


    This is just information regarding cancer, there have been studies that suggest cannabis could have an adverse affect on things like mental health and even gum health.

  3. i under stand its bad to be under the infulence of it because of all the dangerous things that may happen but im jsut wondering about how dangerius it is to the body compared to alchohol because alchohl is leagal compared to weed which is not


    Well if you are talking about individuals - like how dangerous it is for me or you, and not talking about society then I would say the following.


    The idea that cannabis is harmless, I think is really not true.


    Studies have picked up the following:


    *Heavy cannabis smoking can cause gum disease. A study found that after adjusting for tobacco use heavy cannabis smokers had three times the risk of having established gum disease by the age of 32. Researchers concluded this was likely to be a result of increased toxins in cannabis smoke and deeper inhalation compared to cigarettes. (Cannabis Smoking and Periodontal Disease Among Young Adults, Journal of the American Medical Association 2008 W. Murray Thomson and others).


    *"Heavy cannabis users may be at greater risk of chronic lung disease - including cancer - compared to tobacco smokers." link removed "One study found a higher risk of lung cancer for those who smoked one joint a day compared with those who smoked 20 cigarettes a day over the same period. Another found bullous disease - a form of emphysema - occurs 20 years earlier in cannabis smokers."


    *There may be a link between cannabis use and mental illness. Some research has suggested that cannabis users are 40% more likely than non-users to suffer a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia. Other studies suggest cannabis could be a factor in 14% of psychotic problems among young adults in the UK. (Dr Stanley Zammit, and others The Lancet 2007). However the authors note that that people who are at a higher risk of mental illness may be more likely to use the drug.


    With alcohol, yes it can be very dangerous, but the difference on the individual is that if you treat it with respect (which most people do not) - for example no drink driving, sticking to government recommended limits on alcohol (admittedly who does that??) then I would say personally that I feel alcohol is safer (subject to the above conditions). However because people have to drink to excess it has the potential to be extremely dangerous.


    thereforeeee I say "responsible" use of alcohol (no drink driving and remaining under government daily and weekly limits always) is (in my opinion subject to conditions) safer than cannabis. But badly used alcohol is very dangerous. I think the problem is that alcohol and it's effects are well known whereas some effects of cannabis are not yet known. Please remember that I am not medically qualified - it's just my opinion from what I have read.

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