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Posts posted by Wedgewood

  1. I disagree. Staring at the opposite sex while with your partner is very disrespectful. If you see someone very good looking, you can glance but avoid staring or rubbernecking. The signal you are sending your mate is that you are still shopping around and he or she is not enough.

  2. I actualy feel sorry for you too guys, Riggz and TicTacToe: you two probably had the bad luck to run into deceptive and dishonest women. Fortunately, not all women nor men are bad.


    There are many inconsistencies in what you write. First, the fact that women only have to gain with marriage. I am not young, so I have seen a lot. And what I have seen is women take a big beating with divorce and have their lifestyle diminished considerably. Maybe you guys are thinking of celebrity divorces, where the women get millions sometimes, but the guy usually ends up with a lot lot more than he can spend in a lifetime. Statistics show that men's income goes up with divorce while women's goes down 1/3. Child support often times is not enough since there are many hidden costs of having a child and a teenager.


    Secondly, property divisions nowadays consist of dividing only what's built after the marriage. Assets before a marriage are individual, as are inheritances. The period a marriage took place even if the man made more the women also contributed, many times foregoing their careers to raise their kids. Sorry boys, but reality is very different from the paranoid picture you are painting. I often hear this kind of rhetoric from ugly men who cannot land a decent woman and become bitter. Or men who made the mistake of marrying vapid and selfish women (not saying it is your cases).


    The women I know are hardworking, honest and contribute to the household in many ways.


    I am married and marriage gives a couple a sense of belonging and family. It makes you be more concerned about each other and many other advantages.


    Divorce ratings are going down in the last decade, it is not 60%.

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