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Posts posted by Kelly1001607306434

  1. You have to remember that if it was meant to be then IT WILL HAPPEN!

    You're so young. You're in high school! Trust me, you don't know what love is just yet. You are going to meet so many more girls (whether you say you're good-looking or not) throughout your life. There's still college and beyond that.


    Go ahead and tell her how you feel. You have nothing to lose. You never know unless you try. If she rejects you, don't be hurt. It's just one of many learning experiences that you will live and learn from. In turn, you'll grow up to be so much more confident.


    If she rejects you, don't be sad. There are so many fish in the sea honey. Enough to go around for everyone!

  2. Hi,

    You're absolutely right, the suspicion will only increase.

    But ask yourself this- "Why would you do it if you were happy?" It's obvious something is missing here. Granted you may still love this guy but it seems like to me, you're looking for more. I'm not sure what that is but really ask yourself if you're happy. You can't be if this is the second time in only 3.5 years of your relationship.


    If you really love him, then talk to him. Tell him you would like to make an attempt (again) at trying to make it work and that you truly are sorry (if you really are)!


    Hope that helps!



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